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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#jenniferlopez #parisfashion #janetcharlton

Jennifer Lopez is introducing her little fashionista Emme to the wonderful world of Paris Fashion Week and they showed up in the front row of one of the hottest shows – Chanel. According to Merle Ginsberg at The Hollywood Reporter, MOST celebrities are handsomely paid for turning up at a designer’s show. It’s all a big secret but it’s estimated that Rihanna collects almost $100,000 to appear. Blake Lively and Kim Kardashian are rumored to pull in around $50,000. This also includes a first class all expense paid trip to Paris and probably a photographed shopping spree at the designer’s boutique! Actresses, however, are so enamored with Chanel that sometimes they show up just to butter up Karl Lagerfeld for future acquisition of goods. We’re not sure about Jennifer…

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. brandy

    it’s pathetic really, how anyone could hate someone with so much vitriol Strom, particularly someone you never ever even met, or spoken to, or even been in the vicinity of, wow, such a deep hatred, such rancour and unbridled animosity for a complete and total stranger, ewwww creepy !! get help, better still, just jump !

  2. Cal

    Yeah I know you are not suppose to say bad things about children and all, but….., hopefully she will look like her mother when she gets older.

    And as for what the mother is wearing!!! Was she drunk when she dressed herself. She looks stupid. Also it is either her hair colour, too higher face lift or thinning hair on top.

  3. Strom

    Jen has had more BLACK meat inside her, when she was seeking fame, than any woman this side of a Kardashian. After she became known she then dropped the BLACKS in any public manner and tried to become a famous Latina (who couldnt speak Spanish)and then a fashionista. She should be called out for her lack of talent more than anything else. And her scamming of junk products to poor hispanic women.

  4. TeeTee


    Nothing to see here folks!

    Ms. India summed it alllll UP!!
    all I can say is “amen”

  5. Christine India

    Thanks Bluejay (altho I need to lose 4 lbs.).

    avois de pois:……..I’m not envious of crazy mixed-up J-Lo in any shape, form, or fashion. Who would be jealous of a 3 times loser in marriage that is hooking up with a fugly much younger possibly gay gigilo. Miss Eva and I are correct in our observations. The kid does look sad, but she could grow up into a beauty and be a fashionista. At any rate, hope the kid doesn’t turn out to be a lonely cougar desperate diva like J-Lo.

  6. Bluejay

    Indy keeps herself in shape–she is no rock-throwing fattie. And neither am I. JLo looks ridiculous, the daughter is dressed just right. Too bad the little girl looks so sad.

  7. avoir de pois

    Christine and Miss Eva, envy is a sin ladies …… shame shame on you, you rock throwing fatties

  8. Christine India


    Couldn’t agree with you more.

  9. dandilion

    Lopez wears a shorty dress and daughter is below the knees? Nothing more needs to be said.. other than that child is sad..

  10. TeeTee

    Kim Kardashian is not even wanted in Paris for Fashion Week, I HIGHLY doubt she is being paid 50,000 to appear.

    I do not beleive a word of that.

  11. Bill

    Emme looks like her father.

  12. libby

    what you both said…that jacket gives her a very wide boxy shape…no shape at all..,

  13. walt cliff

    Yes, the dress is not for a middle aged lady. Lopex is a beautiful woman but the skirt (althought lovely) is too short on her. That is something you would see on a college student or young lady in her early twenties.

    Her little girl is adorable in her dress and shoes.

  14. MissEva

    Mom’s wearing the dress that her little preschooler should have been wearing. It’s far too short on her stumpy figure, especially when combined with a cropped jacket that cuts her in half. The cow bells, padlocks or whatever they are on those shoes are overkill. The kid’s face seems to be frozen in a perpetual frown. It’s truly unfortunate that both kids look like their scrawny rooster of a dad.

  15. Strom

    You can bet that Jen did not go anywhere except as a chance to gain money from someone or something. Companies are totally bamboozdled if they think people buy anything based on J Lopez. She is happy to scam overpriced junk on poor and uneducated hipanic females.

  16. beach club

    why is it that americans are crazy about fashion but everyone, besides celebs, look like sh*t?
    well, they obviously think a bigger home or car is more importantant than your looks!!