Out of the Past

This pretty actress has had a remarkably successful career in Hollywood – from TV to independent films. She met the man of her dreams and he happens to be one of the sexiest leading men onscreen. His chiseled physique makes all his movies memorable. She married him without realizing he changed his name to cover up his unsavory history. The guy had a drug problem, has spent time in prison, and there were child abuse charges involved. He was hustler on Santa Monica Blvd when he arrived in Hollywood and one of the men he slept with helped him get his first break. He clicked onscreen and never looked back. His sweet actress wife knows nothing of his past, and he hopes she never finds out.

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73 thoughts on “Out of the Past

  1. Seems like Thomas Jane’s publicist is on here.
    When his movies start showing up in capital letters and talk of going to a screening…
    it’s something that makes you go Hmmmmmmmmmm..

  2. No i don’t think Patricia Arquette is pretty either.
    In fact she’s gained alot of weight. When she was young in the 1980’s and they were pushing her career, she was about a size 3. No matter what, “Thin is In” in Hollywood.

  3. “Seems like Thomas Jane’s publicist is on here.”
    His publicist wants people to think he’s a former drug addict, prostitute and child molester?

  4. Wasn’t Brad Pitt arrested way back when. Seems I remember something about that coming out when he went to adopt Angelina’s kids?

  5. I think it’s someone who’s been around for awhile. Not any of the younger actors. Hmmm…will have to think on this one.

  6. How about Pierce Brosnan and Sheely Kaye Smith? Read his IMDB bio. His early life would have facilitated all of the scenarios mentioned in the puzzle.

  7. If he spent time in prison, then why is this a blind vice? why not just come out and say it? I’m beginning to wonder about “Blind Vices”. Either come out with it or make it less generic so we’ll know that it’s not just made up.

  8. i’m with you 12:14… we have to consider the possibility that janet is just trying to be sensational to get “ratings”. makes you feel like a jerk when you fall for this kind of bull. we are probably just being used by her… if the guy has a police record, its public record.. whats the big deal.. she would have the scoop of the year… she is full of you know what just to get us guessing. im done.. she has no credibility any longer

  9. The blind item says he changed his name after a stint in prison. As far finding the “public record” in what state would you begin your search? Besides, lots of actors have “public record” secrets. For instance, Janet Jackson was married for 9 years without the press knowing.

  10. Brad Pitt was detained for mooning from a car back in the day. Hardly worth even mentioning. Pitt never changed his name and he is extremly close to his family. Plus, Pitt is an international star. We all know he was never in prision. Please.
    People don’t consider or call Angelina Jolie “pretty” they use words like “sexy”, “gorgeous”, “stunning”, “beautiful” etc.
    Pretty would be used to describe someone like a Jennifer Garner

  11. Who in the HELL is Thomas Jane? He must not be very famous if I haven’t heard of him.

  12. Thomas Janes quote on IMDB “”In an Indian film that I did when I was 17 years old, and that’s how I got into acting. I was living in Maryland, and some Indians came to Washington DC looking for a blonde kid to appear in an Indian film. It was like a Romeo and Juliet love story between a white American and an Indian girl. They wanted me to stay in India and I did another film over there, they gave me an apartment, a car and I was an Indian movie star at 17. But then I decided to return to America, studied acting, did a lot of theatre.”
    Maybe he left the country after juvie or….? Check out Marylands database?

  13. It’s not Thomas Jane and Patricia Arquette. The article says the actress went from TV to Independant films. Patricia went from Independent films (True Romance springs to mind) TO TV (Medium).
    If the article hadn’t said the couple were married, I’d say Tom Cruzeazy and Katie Holmes.

  14. 12:01, it says the actress has a career that ranges from TV to indie films, not that she went from TV to indie films. “This pretty actress has had a remarkably successful career in Hollywood – from TV to independent films.” Read that again. So it could be Arquette/Jane, although I don’t really think it is. The “gay” movie he did was The Velocity of Gary, with Salma Hayak and Vincent D’Onofrio. Interesting flick.

  15. Check out Thomas Jane’s bod in Punisher- it doesn’t get better than that folks. But is that his real name??

  16. Kids, I think it’s pretty safe to say it’s Thomas Jane. I’ve been hearing stories about him for years that are very similar to the setup in the BI. As a matter-of-fact, I was pretty shocked when I found out he was marrying Patricia Arquette.

  17. I would say Katie and
    She got her start on Dawsons Creek and then did tons of indie films
    She met the man of her dreams with Tom, and she has said that
    he changed his name,he was born Thomas Mapother IV,
    the only part that hangs me up a little is the physique
    it could be him, but i dont know if he is known for that

  18. reese withersoon’s man has the nordic chisled look. he has the kind of face and body that Hollywood pervs really go for.And all that nonsense about him having had an affair with a women is just a coverup. he probably fell back into his old hustler ways and was willing to sleep around with men of course to get back some of his imagined star power and wifey found out and didn’t need him any more.

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