Oprah has some ambitious and rather fascinating plans for her LAST SHOW. She wants to end the same way she started – with the SAME AUDIENCE members and the SAME guests that she had 25 years ago! She has staffers scrutinizing the tapes from that first show to locate as many people from the original audience as possible. The subject of the first show was “Looking for Love” and Oprah hopes to have the same panel of ordinary people with their love stories twenty-five years later. She feels the Oprah show will then have come full circle.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Casonia..Hells kitchen is hard to watch for many americans and people are not used to hearing that type of talk and it hurts there sweet little hearts..Elisa please mess up next week! Paul rise like cream to the top and blast there ass out of the sky?
Gayle is 100% Straight and so is Oprah and it is good to have some one to share your life with and care about you… Oprah is a role model for black woman all over the world..Oprah is kind and thoughtful and giving and she is a millionaire and has offered money out of her own pocket to take care of the world and show that there is a Heart and it is a Heart of Gold!
Casonia..Hells kitchen is hard to watch for many americans and people are not used to hearing that type of talk and it hurts there sweet little hearts..Elisa please mess up next week! Paul rise like cream to the top and blast there ass out of the sky?
She really cares about people and loves all people that cross her path and she has a big heart and most of all Gail is a wonderful friend that is trust worthy and kind in times of needs and has shared her life with her.
Casonia..Hells kitchen is hard to watch for many americans and people are not used to hearing that type of talk and it hurts there sweet little hearts..Elisa please mess up next week! Paul rise like cream to the top and blast there ass out of the sky?
Oprah is a very kind loving woman who has helped the earth and made it a better place for other people in this world…She has helped educate people that needed it and… Has cared for each person that has crossed her path in life.
Oprah as a lesbian is a plague on the BLACK race….except she also enables them which is why they overlook what Gayle does to her each night!
Casonia from seattle and hope that elisa is kicked off the show soon and, hope this womans downfall on the fish is the end of her on Hells kitchen.
Good luck for your future and your life is going to be bright and wonderful and outstanding and your around people that love you and you love them as well and granted a gift of care and love forever.
Casonia from seattle and hope that elisa is kicked off the show soon and, hope this womans downfall on the fish is the end of her on Hells kitchen.
How much money do you need? You already have so much you can’t spend it all in your life time and so where do you go from here?
Casonia from seattle and hope that elisa is kicked off the show soon and, hope this womans downfall on the fish is the end of her on Hells kitchen.
Stop teasing and playing head games with people and it is getting old and sooner or later your going to start turning people off….You are wonderful and outstanding and your strong and graceful and there will never be any one like you on this earth.
Casonia from seattle and hope that elisa is kicked off the show soon and, hope this womans downfall on the fish is the end of her on Hells kitchen.
Hollywood Babe N the Know
nothing dumb about being smart. plenty of people with multiple college degrees out of their rear ends and they are broke as a joke.
you can be both smart and rich or wealthy!
Agree Sebastian, once Howard Stern took the money and split you never hear about him at all.
I would think all of you drag queens would love Oprah!
No surprise that as her private political project Obama’s ratings have fallen so have hers. And don’t you love that O settled a lawsuit out of court after her private plane employee who complained about O’s racists remarks – presumably aimed at the same middle american white female audience that made O an billionaire.
Indy, we have a new law in Ontario RE cell phone use in cars – it is now illegal. Has it done any good? The hell it has. The only way to stop the insanity is through peer pressure. You are right that is one of the few good things the big O has done. However, I wonder how many will forget about their pledge once Oprah is off network television and not in the public’s face every single. Look what happened to Howard Stern.
^^^^Oprah has gone totally New Age Philosophy; she has probably already been this, but is just now showing her true fat stupid self. And those gifts she gives to the audience don’t cost one dime out of her pocket. They are paid for the companies giving them, which is just a form of advertising their product(s). Why can’t most see thru her. The only good thing that she has done (imho) is to try to teach the fools who drive not to use the phone and text at the same time. Yesterday I almost got hit 3 times because a fu**head starting coming in my lane while using the cell.
Oprah is leaving at the right time, just before even her most ardent fans start to turn on her.
I am tired of seeing her sit o n her self-righteous throne, utter some inane new age philosophy, make a gynocentric declaration, and then shower her audience of brain-dead middle-class primariy- white suburban moms with expensive gifts.
We know the big O thinks she is God’s gift, but a few hundred years from now she will probably be considered to have been a boil on the popular culture of the 20th and 21st century – a symptom of something sinister and dangerous.
Hell, hoarders is more exciting. There’s nothing like people living in garbage and people around them talking to them like they are babies. Slap the shit out of them.
Pippa-London, you said it!
Oprah and Madonna together form the dreaded “Antichrist”
Bettye Bluejay
Oprah dragged out a wagon of FAT.
Judge Judy is more entertaining, and Jeopardy is more intellectual, given my choice at that time of the day.
She would give $50 million to drop 50 pounds and she would give $75 million to drop 75 pounds…if it would get off and stay off. Sadly, money can’t buy everything. I think she is a big phony and have read whisperings of her staff that she is not so sweet and rules with an iron fist and keeps them scared for their jobs if they don’t hop when she says jump.
Kait, yeah, Oprah does not looks so hot without the wigs/weave.
That’s pretty stupid
SUCH a flattering headshot. In this, she looks like one of those perpetually backlit gorgeous campus coeds. Of course, then there are the shots from her recent camping trip with Gail… not quite the same outcome.
Hollywood, wealthy, yeah. Smart…uhm…nah. Savy as all get out, but in pure academic intellectual sense, dumb as a rock.
She should have left ten years ago. Once she started believing her own hype that was the end for me.
Hollywood Babe N The Know
GO Oprah! Gotta love smart and wealthy women.
Not an Oprah fan, but she’s not as bad as Jess Jackson who is gutter scum. Here a finally show lose 100 pounds and drag a wagon full of meat out, oh sorry she did that.
She is…and as the recent news has stated,,,,she is totally full of racial hate…dont let the huge exterior fool you…inside is a small minded person who was smart enough to take to the bank all the tears of $$ the white liberals were willing to shed when they were made to feel guilty for problems which occured 100 years before their birth! Oprah learned from Jesse J and topped his bank account.
captain america
(she is brainwashing entire america)
Surely Oprah is going to end her show with something much more fitting for her – raise the dead, part the Red Sea, Yada, Yada, Yada.
Come on Janet, love stories? Jesus didn’t rise and then pull a rabbit out of a hat! Oprah is not to be outdone.