Oprah is NOT happy with Rosie O’Donnell. First of all, Rosie’s show isn’t pulling in the ratings that Oprah’s OWN network desperately needs. In order to boost viewership and create excitement, Oprah suggested that Rosie invite people she has famously feuded with to be on the show – like Barbara Walters, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, or Bill O’Reilly. She wants conflict. Oprah remembers the humongous ratings she got when Sarah Palin guested on her show and wants more of THAT, but Rosie is resisting. A major ego clash is predicted.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
As Rosier gets older she gets scarier looking every day and she can not control her nastiness each time she gets a shot at television. The lesbo mafia is so happy to place these in major positions (Ellen, Queen Latifah, Rosie, Oprah).
Soon Michelle Rodriguez as host?
Call these knarly dykes out for what they are.
Rosie is getting scarier looking all the time and her dyke side is really showing now:
Come on Strom, live and let live.
People have no control over their D.N.A.
“The number of hideous homophobic comments here is shocking and disturbing to me. Are you homophobes for real? How do you manage to remain so ignorant, misinformed, and cruel? I pray to God I never encounter any of you homophobes. I would have to clean myself for WEEKS after encountering such vicious and vindictive souls.”
Give us a break please….AIDS is increasing every day and the fags and lesbo’s are doing everything possible to make GO GAY the norm. It is not and should never be…send them all to GAY Island!
forrest gump
wll, you don’t want to see their bathroom.
Rosie’s show seems among the BEST of the poorly presented OWN network, whose shows all seem some video archived rehash of what we’ve been viewing for 30 years. What is fresh about OWN except Rosie’s already honed vision of a well rounded and intelligent variety/talk show. Rosie rocks it. She is much better at talk/interviews that the Great Oprah herself.
Ha, how terrible the homo comments it is said. The truth is that giving a pass and even encouraging the gay lifestyle has increased the acceptance of it and has led to a higher incidence of AIDS.
While YOU may like, love, and/or frequently practice the same sexual routine as Ellen/Portia or Liberace/Rock Huidson, most American’s don’t and don’t want fags to be given a pass just because they squeal louder about their “rights”. Send them all to Gay Island.
Melvin (Klippers)
oprah has fantastic skin. it is flawless!
The number of hideous homophobic comments here is shocking and disturbing to me. Are you homophobes for real? How do you manage to remain so ignorant, misinformed, and cruel? I pray to God I never encounter any of you homophobes. I would have to clean myself for WEEKS after encountering such vicious and vindictive souls.
Pippa Martins-St. Onge
Oprah makes a mockery of the Americans which made her filthy rich. She laughs about it every day.
Christine India
Patrick, QUICK, pass the smelling salts; for a brief moment, we’re thinking alike.:)
Christine India
PS: On YouTube, type in ***Oprah Winfrey New Age Church***.
Christine India
O has gone totally New Age; disturbing videos on YouTube.
I, fucking, haaaate, Oprah.
I don’t like either one, especially that foul mouthed disgusting B Rosie!
There is nothing real about Oprah, and nothing fake about Rosie. It was never a good match.
Rosie dear should get the fabulous Anderson Cooper for a show. I’d watch it longingly every single day. xoxoxo to the Coop!
Rosie is one mean dyke but if she went after Gayle Oprah would really show her who was the boss.
Rosie seems to clash with about everyone.
Both of them had their “day”, it’s time to get off the stage.
That show effing sucks and Rosie doesnt give a crap about it that much is obvious the interview parts of the show are good but that’s it, the set is bad, the games are unwatchable I can literally see Rosie dying inside a little everyday I think she knows its bad
Oprah & Rosie needs to F€¥K OFF like yesterday!! Nobody is interested in either one of these two loudmouths anymore, or anything they have to say!!
They both have enough $$, let somebody else try to make some.
Even Gayle jumped off that sinking ship.
Oprah and the Presstitutes marketed a candidate that sat in a Racist, Marxist Liberation Theology Church for 20 years and is now governing as such.
The OWS are a well funded and organized distraction from a Failed Presidency.
Leave our monster alone.
Yep…a duo of nasty dykes.
The previous Strom post was from an imposter who needs to get a life.
Christine India
I def believe Oprah is a lesbian; otherwise why would she guest on ellen’s ‘coming-out’ show a few years ago. She did not take any pay for it, ’cause she wanted to promote this gross lifestyle. Picture of her w/ her arm around Rosie will condemn her further into the lake of fire.
Rosie is beyond nasty, jumping from one lesbian to another, claiming every time that at last she has found her soul mate. She is basically sad and insecure, despite her loud mouth.
I love both of them, and wish them well in their endeavors.
Get rid of the dykes and hopefully soon the big O will go away and retire w/ Gayle!
they deserve each other………..