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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


It’s a tribute to modern science that two gay men can hire one surrogate to give birth to fraternal twins – one fathered by each man! We were astonished to hear that the “How I Met Your Mother” star Neil Patrick Harris ,37, and his partner David Burtka’s surrogate mother gave birth on October 12 to a boy named Gideon and a girl named Harper. Each man donated sperm that fertilized an egg and both fertile eggs were implanted in their hired surrogate and thrived. No doubt they are watching the babies grow and excitedly trying to figure out who is responsible for who.

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  1. Casonia...Van on Hells kitchen called chef gordon a british bastard and really talked about him like trash and often messed up the fish and could not look him in the eye when directed toward a problem..He was loud and often said he can do it but did not l

    So many one hit wonder woman having babies out there and… It has to be really hard on a man wanting an extra child to call him daddy and know your lighting the light and showing them the way and that is very nice and kind of you to do so.

  2. Casonia...Van on Hells kitchen called chef gordon a british bastard and really talked about him like trash and often messed up the fish and could not look him in the eye when directed toward a problem..He was loud and often said he can do it but did not l

    Out standing and smart idea and having a family this way every one who wants children and there wife or girl friend won’t have another baby for there mate…Just do what you did and keep the blood line going…No matter what!

  3. Casonia...Van on Hells kitchen called chef gordon a british bastard and really talked about him like trash and often messed up the fish and could not look him in the eye when directed toward a problem..He was loud and often said he can do it but did not l

    Neil your really smart and…I Bet you make Beautiful children and it is a blessing and it is wonderful and…I am really Happy for you and your sweet Heart.

  4. Casonia...Van on Hells kitchen called chef gordon a british bastard and really talked about him like trash and often messed up the fish and could not look him in the eye when directed toward a problem..He was loud and often said he can do it but did not l

    I Think what you did was great and hope you do it more in the future and…This is away to keep your blood line around and if you contact Tom Cruise to do the same thing and one child from him is not good enough…I Would love to see a son out of him as well.

  5. Reta

    Denise, you’re right about this site and the posters on it. There is so much hatred on here it is unbelievable. As for the fellows wanting children, they have the money, they can spend it however they wish. That they wish to spend it on having their own DNA shared children is understandable having two children of my own. There is truly nothing like having a child and I wish them and all the other people who try so hard to have a child all the love they search for.

  6. spinner

    Wonder what they will tell these children when they ask…where’s my Mommy??

  7. Monah Garrett

    Celebrity surrogate twins seems to be the new black.

    And the pictures of that LA Center for Surrogacy (or whatever it’s called; it’s been featured in the stories about Elton John), looks like something out of “Brave New World.”

    Creepy. 🙁

  8. Just my opinion

    This surrogacy thing seems like the height of narcissism to me.

  9. Teddy

    I don’t really love to champion “weird science” babies — when there are so many children in the foster care system who need permanent homes. But, everyone is entitled to live free and pursue happiness. So, much happiness to this very alternative family.

  10. Hilary

    DNA samples from each baby will tell right away who the bio dad is… Wonder if Doogie’s partner ever sees his twins from the previous relationship?

  11. crazylegs

    I see someone already made a comment on the subject I was going to mention. Doogie’s partner already has co-fathered twins, which he’s left with his ex. The fact he doesn’t parent his first two children is despicable to me. These folks just create these little lives with no thought about their future. Irresponsibility at it’s worse! How much do we want to bet that this couple will not be together until these children are 18 years old…
    Having babies is such great publicity! Don’t you know it gets you on the cover of many magazines!! I feel they’re just doing it for the publicity… get some kitty cats instead, their life won’t be ruined when you break up…

  12. Irony

    Wow. David’s really gonna have his hands full.

    What with raising two sets of twins (or supervising their nannies LOL) AND fending off all the younger and prettier tail that’s sure to be thrown at Doogie.

    3 years. Max.

  13. Denise

    Wow, what a bunch of homophobic comments. You’d think we were heading in 1911 instead of 2011.

  14. strom

    With all the fags and lesbo’s marrying…how long will it be before there is a test case about bigamy and/or marrying their pets?

  15. Something Nice

    David looks like a less-butch version of Fran Lebowitz in this pic.

    And interestingly, he already has a twin-set of surrogated children from his relationship prior to hitting the jackpot with Doogie.

    Those children stayed with the ex, so it’s understandable that he’d want want replacements.

  16. Hello

    Jesus Christ!!! It’s ok thAt u are gay but come on, too bring two babies up into your life style is disgusting.

  17. Indy

    Just find a way to suckle them, it’s said to be healthier for the kids as time goes on.

  18. cal

    Congrats on the kids.

    I have to say since this guy came out as gay, when I see adverts for his show and what a male chauvinist character he plays, it doesn’t gel with me. I just think gay, gay, gay… just like I do about Jakey (you know the one with the sister that has been thrashed with the ugly stick) – I wouldn’t and don’t bother watching anything with either of those two in it. Would have like to watch P of Persia if it were any other male lead.

    And I’ve never got the appeal of him, don’t see what the big deal is.

  19. uncle bill

    and the other one an american MONGOL?