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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Mariah Carey arrived in Paris looking super hot after her big birthday party at Lake Como in Italy. We were surprised to hear that she threw herself a birthday party almost a month after her birthday (March 27) and instructed all the guests to dress up “LIKE THEIR FAVORITE MARIAH.” Really? She invited friends, but mostly people from her ongoing European tour. It must have been quite a challenge to dress up like one of Mariah’s personas (we didn’t realize she HAD more than one.) Her hair and makeup staffers helped out – imagine dozens of male and female Mariah lookalikes running around! The mystery of the oddly frivolous party was solved when we learned that cameras were covering the event for Mariah’s documentary/TV series called “Mariah’s World.” Yep, she’s got a reality show too.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. ah-yuck

    Is Mariah capable of walking on her own?

  2. Shirley

    She is delusional

  3. bill the firemarshall

    just ‘BUYING’ celebrityness.