Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Kate Hudson is pulling a Madonna and now speaks with a fake British accent. Her friends are not particularly amused by the affectation and some say they don’t recognize her when she calls! Kate has been spending most of her time in London with her fiancee Matthew Bellamy and their baby Bingham. Is that really an excuse?
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Village is correct. I moved to South Africa when I was a young teen. I didn’t want to go there and certainly did not want to talk like my new peers. Guess what, it happened and I hardly could tell the difference until I moved back to the states. It took a month to lose it.
@Coco:i totally agree with you
Who said it was?
Scottish isn’t American English. Not by a long shot.
So glad, A Rod dumped her!!!
Good lord, I can’t imagine all the girls walking around trying to sound like our Pippa!
What a pretentious, snobby, insufferably dry witted world it would be.
Give me a cowgirl with a Texas twang any day of the week.
Ever played cowgirl, Pippa!
Didn’t think so.
Giddyup! Buttsmack!!
Up the stairs with you…NOW!
I agree with Village and disagree with twoOutof3. Your mom still has a Scottish accent, but just send her to Scotland and they will hear an Americanization of that accent. Accents are relative – you only notice it when it’s not your own.
I’m sure most English people still hear an American accent when Kate and Madonna talk.
Some people absorb accents more easily than others. I do not easily absorb accents, but after 6 months living in London, even I had to consciously fight to keep from speaking with their accent.
You don’t acquire an accent going abroad for a few months. Joke. My moms been living here for over 30yrs & has not lost one ounce of her Scottish accent.
forrest gump
her excuse?
pippa martins-st. onge
This Woman has consumed more ‘man gravy’ than perhaps Madonna him/herself.
Indy aka Christine India
BTW, does anyone remember any one of the airhead pointless movies she has been in?
Same with Jenn Aniston; she cranks out the same tiring themes that are quickly forgotten. 🙁
I think both Kate and Jenn are extremely unlucky in love, mainly because they sleep around with the first man that looks at them. If they ever get anyone for the long haul, it will be because they are brining in big bucks and can pay them to stay.
Such a spoiled entitled wackadoodle. This girl has big time daddy issues and no I don’t mean Kurt Russell, I mean issues that go way back with her daddy Bill Hudson. She is such a brat she needs a good kick in the ass to realize how good she has always had it. And take a good look at those two and if it weren’t for the fact her mother is Goldie Hawn and he is in a successful band, you would think nothing more than two ordinary people out for a walk, nothing special about them, not their clothes nor their looks. Poor guy she will tire of you in a year to two and be off for the next guy claiming to be a free spirit or some dumb thing like that, and this kid can join his brother in some school and see their mama when she a free minute or two between men. She needs to figure it out with her dad if she is ever to be normal.
Maybe A-Rod stuck his dick a little too far down her throat and it has caused her to start speaking with an accent.
Oh Kate kate kate. How I too wish life was such a dream. Really not taking advantage of my elite education (saw the clip on Leno years ago where you bragged about ditching class from your fancy schmancy school for highlight apps), you “starter” home(s) being a mansion in Malibu and a townhouse in Manhatten. How spoiled of a life you lead -and I don’t even think you have the slightest clue as to how blessed and lucky you actually are.
and yeah…..I must be jealous. Wish my momma was a Hollyweird stah, as opposed to a whore (*ahem* I mean my birthmom) then maybe I’d be the one with a phoney Haitian accent AS that’s where I’d be if I had that kind of loot. I mean how much does cement mix cost, or for goddsakes, mud makes bricks for free, I saw it on telletubbies ;). I’d have all those houses rebuilt rather then sitting in one of my unearned multimillion dollar homes (and yes UNEARNED because who here really thinks this chicka would of gotten any roles without GHawn and KRus).
** or a southern accent, or a Native accent -there’s much to rebuild here in America too.
damn kate hudson. DAMN her 😉
Indy aka Christine India
Perfect!!! Phoney girl, phoney accent. How many lovers has she had and with every one of them, she always screeched. “At last, I have found THE one”. She is a restless soul always looking for new conquests. Matthew should cut his losses and run.
She probably is practicing for an upcoming role.
These 2 appear to make a good couple but I don’t think it will last. All the crap that she must be dealing with thanks to her mother and father, has got to take it’s toll on her.
Don’t worry she’ll move on to her next victim soon enough….besides isn’t her baby named after an ex BF.
Okay, for those who have never lived abroad, including the writer of this article it seems, when one lives in Europe for an extended period, one begins to speak in accented English.
It’s not a conscious decision or a purposeful affectation, it’s just a natural progression of what the ear is hearing, which is an amalgamation of voices, and not just in English, as Europeans frequently shift between languages.
I have spent extended periods of time living aboard, and I always seem to come home sounding like the Euro Trash on the slopes at Zermatt. It usually takes a month or two for my voice to return to its natural American drawl.
man. I used to want to marry the shit out of Matthew Bellamy. Do not want no mo’
Palermo, what you said. Kate is a joke. I feel sorry for her son Ryder, having had to put up with all Mommy’s lovers before she found one to knock her up and propose.
Phony accent to go with her phony nose, phony boobs, phony personality
If you live in London for 20 yeas you wouldn’t have an accent. This is something that is acquired as a child not an adult. Why do people marry someone British and suddenly they speak in on British terms? What a joke.
I’m amused by people who speak with phony accents. Especially when it turns on and off in the same sentence. My niece moved south and almost immediately began speaking in a southern accent. When she calls I sometimes think its Dolly Parton calling from the Great Smokey Mountains.
Perhaps she is practicing the Method style of acting for those who can’t act.