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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD

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  1. Cory

    Pete wasn’t trans

  2. Anonymous

    She looks like a poor mans’ version of Pete Burns – certainly nothing like the exceptionally beautiful and elegant Angelina Jolie! She looks and sounds like a fame whore, too. How insulting she is to her mother, complaining about being an only child; perhaps her parents weren’t able to have more children…it happened to MY parents, but I don’t feel the need to embarrass and humiliate them by broadcasting to the world what a sad and lonely existence I had without siblings. In fact, it’s a privelidged life, in many ways, if you look for the positives. Stupid bitch is bringing HER kids into a life of living in a 3 ringed circus. I hope they all turn on HER when they get older, to criticise the madness that she brought them into.

  3. SIREN

    “Octomom” Nadya is truly creepy and something about her makes my skin crawl!!!

  4. Anonymous

    I think “Octopussy” has a classier ring to it, but obviously there were copyright issues.

  5. Anonymous

    LOL, Janet! This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen you post. Too true!

  6. Anonymous

    Talk about bad lips How about Denise Richards, now there was a freak with big lips. Thank god she let the air out.
    The Fundamentalist Christian Right is supporting Octomom because Octomom considers all life sacred. That’s how she got her house, and all the other stuff. Quiet donations from the Christian Right.

  7. Anonymous

    Don’t all those people(celebrities included) realize how ridiculous they look with those fake bubbled up lips, they seriously think they look better, but someone needs to tell them the truth. They have millions of people laughing at them.

  8. Anonymous

    I have better things to worry about and what she does is her business.

  9. tobyviv

    which means she is actually trying to look like CHER!!! it always comes back to Cher!!!

  10. Sebastian Stoker

    Ha! I thought octomom looked familiar, but certainly not like Jolie. I had seen recent picture of Burns a while back. However, I never made the connection. Thanks for the laugh.

  11. biscuit

    That soft whispery fake voice and those gross plumped lips make my skin crawl. BTW, she looks about 1/3 or 1/2 black, no one has ever commented on this. What’s the story?

  12. gerard Vandenberg

    on the left photo is she practicely without MAKE-UP.

  13. angel

    if you look closley at octmom you would see non of her features is like peter burn , different eyes size ,nose , lip’s shape , bone structure is completely different , oct mom look alike angelina jolie not this one, sorry to burst buble.

  14. Reta

    I can’t STAND this LYING fish lips freakazoid crazy bitch!! I hope the authorities take ALL her kids away from her!! Buying 1000 worht of makeup when she’s unemployed and begging for help is rediculous! And then she went to Disneyland AND Knotts Berry Farm in the same weekend!! Yeah, that’s what I call poor and need ing money all right!! No one should give her a cent and those kids should all be adopted out to SANE families.