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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We know for sure that Oceans 8 is a slam-dunk to get at least 2 Oscar nominations – not for acting, but for makeup and lighting. Not one of the leading women in this film appears to be A DAY over 35! Everyone LOOKS miraculous! That’s not to say the acting isn’t fun – the assembled assortment of women is delightful. Too bad the script was so obviously written by men – the female leads often one-upped each other with smart-ass lines that egotistical men would use – all that was missing was cigars. So the female characters weren’t well drawn and the story seemed too familiar, but the movie IS fun to watch – the Met Gala is an eye-popping setting and we love all the female leads. Satisfying summer movie…

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  1. Movies suck so bad!

    I have no interest in these franchise movies. When is Hollywood going to make an original film with a great script that isn’t a recycled tv show? Maybe if they stopped with the Trump hate and focused on their JOB they could do that.

  2. alwaysMIA

    They resemble mannequins.

  3. Katy

    Men are important to the world Janet

  4. butthead

    ….or just hire a complete kindergarten!!