Colin Farrell lost his Irish temper and yelled in the face of a rude photographer at the Toronto International Film Festival on the red carpet. Colin took offense because the guy shouted at Colin’s sister Claudine to “keep moving” so the press could get clear shots of Colin. “Don’t shout at my sister like that!” Colin warned. The paparazzi didn’t realize she was his sister and later apologized. But it is kind of sweet to see Colin defending his sister.
Monday, September 14, 2009
I had my own experience with Claudine Farrell.And BELIEVE ME,she’s really RUDE & IGNORANT.This was when Farrell was up here in Toronto,
filming TOTAL RECALL.She doesn’t have the manners or curtesy that God shoved up a pigs and.
Colin is aging quite well if you ask me ! Damn, is he handsome. And his sis is cute. He seems like a pretty normal guy to me. And you always read stories about him hanging out and talking to fans. I would like to see him in more American movies. If you haven’t seen In Bruges, see it. It’s hilarious & touching and Colin is really good in it.
Cherokee Dawg
WTF!! Colin is just as hot as he ever was especially since he has cleaned up. His sis is gorgeous. I’ve always admired him for the fact that he is one of the few actors (reminds me of RD Jr) who has actually owned up to his previous bad behavior and seems to really try to do right in the really weird world of Hollywood. Never heard him to be nothing but gracious with fans and I bet he is a lot of fun to hang out with, sober or not. Naughty mouth, he has and I luv it.
Gail Lynne
He only appologized because she was Colin’s sister? He should have appologized for talking to any woman that way. How rude!
The paps are getting way too aggressive and should be ashamed of themselves. Good for Colin sticking up for his sister.
Gail Lynne
He only appologized because she was Colin’s sister? He should have appologized for talking to any woman that way. How rude!
dee cee
Both of the Colins are dirt bags and scum of the earth.
captain america
……..this colin person give me the creeps!!
Colin isn’t aging well.