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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



If you think Kim Kardashian hasn’t had negative effect on Hollywood- think again. We’re not sure exactly how much of “Love & Hip Hop” reality star Nikki Mudarris is plastic, but we bet it’s a LOT. Is this what men want women to look like nowadays? Some of Nikki’s problems might be explained by the fact that she comes from a successful family that owns a chain of strip clubs.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Gemma St. Ivens


  2. Strom

    Poor little HOA detective. Not your chance to become famous.

    Advise of anything inaccurate in my posts and then check the “Gay is Very OK” imposters for theirs.

  3. The Thought Police.

    We are watching you, Strom.
    You can think anything you want.
    But spewing vile, racist comments online is clearly beyond just thought.
    You fool no one.

  4. Strom

    Poor little imposter….so envious of Strom and the 1%…it tries to make the grade, but cant!

  5. Strom

    Hot! Hot!! Hot!!!

  6. Bill

    Hot, Hot!!

  7. Carlos Danger


  8. Strom

    The thought police will not have you speak badly of any tranny or tranny look. You can not talk of what perverts they are either.

  9. allan

    hard to believe that this is what people find attractive hopefully she will not live long enough to see what age will do to that stupid body

  10. Strom

    Poor Alex, please advise of anything inaccurate?

  11. Alex

    Janet, why do you encourage Strom’s foul comments ?

  12. Shelby

    She looks completely deformed.

  13. xyz

    Yes, she looks like crap, but maybe the pic was photoshopped?

  14. Strom

    The Poor Pied Piper, so Gay focused! Seek help!

  15. xyz

    Who is this mutant or rather what the hell is this?

  16. ah-yuck

    So sad how many people honestly believe this is what beauty is. Yup, earth’s gonna get a good cleansing soon.

  17. peapod

    why even give this unknown (to me anyway) ANY “publicity”??

  18. Strom

    That is totally true!

  19. Janet's filthy wig

    She looks like an ass clown, just like Kim and khloe.

  20. mister baja

    another american transgender, folks?

  21. John

    Ugh. Put some clothes on.