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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


nicocut2.jpgPhoto Credit: Buzz Foto

Desperate Housewife Nicollette Sheridan seems to have gone out to Mr Chow without a stitch of makeup on. Some people look at this photo and think she looks awful, but we don’t agree. While we all look better WITH makeup, we think she looks remarkably fresh and has great skin – she IS a natural beauty. Not many women her age in Hollywood would DARE go out to a popular restaurant bare-faced, so we have to give her credit.

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  1. Marcene

    I think she is wearing makup but it is on light. A more natural look and I think she looks beautiful

  2. Anonymous

    She looks great, looks like a thin layer of that tinted moisturizer on he rface and eyes. GOOD for her! No scary stretched back face like Teri Hatcher!

  3. Anonymous

    I have to comment on this item… This is a stupid post and so untrue. You can clearly see make-up. You would have to be blind not to see it. Gimme a break!

  4. Anonymous

    Does look good although she does have some makeover. Definitely better natural looking than when she used to go over the top look

  5. Anonymous

    It’s obvious that she’s wearing make-up. And she does look good for someone in their 50-is, no denial.

  6. billy bob's balls

    she is prettier than heather locklear.

  7. Margo Channing

    She looks like Faye Done-Away-With’s 146 year old granddaughter.

  8. Anonymous

    She is definitely wearing makeup – just normal makeup like the rest of us. Bad shot, though.

  9. Anonymous

    she looks amazing!
    it is remarkable
    not a diappointment

  10. Anonymous

    Great looking lady!

  11. kathy

    Poor girl can’t she just go out and enjoy a meal/drink with out having to be under a spot light – Hollywood who needs it.

  12. Art Chic

    As a former makeup artist and model I agree with the crowd she’s sporting facepaint, albeit the ‘natural look’.
    btw she’s much too young to have had so much plastic surgery.

  13. ImpeachBush

    She has, at least – foundation/powder, lip gloss, brown eyeliner, beige eyeshadow & mascara..

  14. Anonymous

    She’s gorgeous.

  15. Anonymous

    She does have make-up on, but it looks natural and she looks very pretty!

  16. Anonymous

    Much better without the metric ton of make up on.

  17. Anonymous

    she most certainly does have makeup on…yes it’s a more natural look…really is this gossip?

  18. Anonymous

    yes she does, just not an inch thick….and she DOES look good.

  19. Anonymous

    Look a little closer. She has make-up on.