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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


What ever possessed Joel Madden and Nicole Richie to name their newborn SON “Sparrow.” This isn’t even funny. Their daughter Harlow at least has a name with some glamour and it’s sex appropriate. What boy wants to be called a Sparrow? A tiny fragile bird! Imagine the taunts in the schoolyard. The poor kid will probably grow up to be a tattooed bodybuilder to prove his manhood. It reminds us of the Johnny Cash song “A Boy Named Sue” –“if a man’s named Sue, he’s gotta be tough.”

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  1. Barbara

    It would be nice if just once, these weirdo Hollywood types would consider the child’s life down the road when they give them such awful names. To name a BOY what Nicole and Joel did is just plain brainless, unless they plan to call him James or Jim, or some other variation. Knowing them, the poor kid will be on his own, fighting his whole life because he’s teased about his name. Great parenting, you two. Not.

  2. Helena Handbasket

    Who cares what Johnny Goombah and Witchy-poo name the little shit. I still haven’t accepted the fact that these two are actually breeding.

    Oh, the horror.

  3. bonnie blizzard

    Nicole is like a chameleon, depending on the lighting….sometimes she looks white, sometimes 1/2 black. PS: Her pairing with Joel seems really far-fetched, but who cares.

  4. PoopieStryker

    The naming of the child has nothing to do with child. It’s all about the selfishness of the idiot parents.

    Putting the race thing into perspective as it relates to these so called stars, Nicole is a lightskin biracial person who brings out her “caucasian” genes by bleaching the hair, being with whites, etc. She’s made her choice. But if there is a lack of humility and personal acceptance on her part, I hope her little birdie is as nubian as it gets.

    Unlike Halle Berry who no matter what she does to highlight her white genes, she cannot escape the dominance of her black genotype. She’s made her choice too.

    Mariah Carrey chose to go the other way. Unfortunately these biracial folks get criticized more when they go white and lauded when they go black. I could write chapters about these transparent folks.

    Heide Klum, Idina Mendel, and white stars who adopt black children tend to be less criticized. I pray the next race of beings of this planet have skins straight out of a crayola box.

  5. frank

    “and PS she was ADOPTED by her black father Lional Ritchie and his WHITE wife”

    What does that have to do with what I said?

    You people kill me, gobbling up the kool-aid…

  6. frank

    @ Reta,

    Yeah. Once again, you need to look at some pictures of Nicole at around 16…

  7. Jasper's Goat

    Sparrow James Midnight Madden.

  8. Reta

    Janet, my thoughts exactly on the name.

    PS Frank: She’s not “trying hard to look white” she’s whatever color she was BORN with, and PS she was ADOPTED by her black father Lional Ritchie and his WHITE wife.

  9. captain america

    …………….with this “DROOPY”-dad?

  10. frank

    Why does SHE try so hard to look white?

  11. pinkstar

    Stupid name…

  12. right

    And these two are famous because?????? She once drove down the wrong way against traffic shi*faced.