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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


It’s hard to believe that Eddie Murphy’s ex-wife Nicole is 50 years old. She obviously takes very good care of herself, and admits that she is a fitness fanatic. She works out five days a week, and in February she launched her own fitness app. So WHY, we ask, does she use a HANDICAPPED PLACARD to park conveniently outside her gym? And she gets away with it…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. willy

    CELLULITES where you look!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Starbucks gal

    I have MS. I have a blue placard. Some days are good; others are not so good. There are lots of invisible disabilities.

  3. susieserb

    I wouldn’t brag about being this fitness fanatic and looking like this (she says ducking).

  4. Felicha

    She is psrt way through gender surgery ?

  5. Wilson

    Again Janet? You need to show more tolerance.

    Many handicaps are invisible and handicap placards are signed off by medical doctors. It’s none of our business why she needs one.

    Please shine the spotlight on the numerous “stars” who text and drive, illegal in CA. Texting causes countless car crash injuries.

  6. whyaskwy

    The fact she married Eddie “I love trannies” Murphy makes her mentally handicapped.

  7. CoCo

    It’s Me, Again: In that light, most women, not to mention 50 year olds, would have some dimpling. Cellulite is not the result of excess fat or of some negligence; it is unavoidable in almost all women (most just don’t realize it, because they don’t inspect themselves in that kind of light). So, it seems pretty cold to dismiss a human being on that basis.

    About the handicap thing: we just never know what invisible disabilities a person might have, but I agree that this one is suspicious.

  8. It's Me, again

    Those legs have the cottage cheese of a 50 year old, nothing to see here.