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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#nicolascage #janetcharlton

Las Vegas impressionist Gordie Brown must have gulped when he saw Nicolas Cage in the audience one recent night at his show at the Golden Nugget. When he launched into his Cage impersonation, he was relieved because no one laughed louder than Cage himself. Later Nicolas and his wife Alice visited Brown in his dressing room, and the “Leaving Las Vegas” actor told him “You do me better than I do me.” According to Norm Clarke at the Las Vegas Review-Journal, it turns out Nicolas and his family moved to Las Vegas earlier this year from LA “to have a more normal family life.” Interesting place to search for serenity and small town values…

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  1. Denise

    My counsin lives in Las Vegas. There’s a whole ‘nuther world out away from “the strip” and I hear it’s very nice.

  2. Avoir du pois

    the churches are full of sinners, the museums are empty, its perfect

  3. Hilary

    A good friend of mine moved to North Las Vegas from LA a few years ago and loves it. She told me that Vegas has more churches per capita than any other city in the United States. There’s also a beautiful performing arts center and a new history museum that’s now open… in other words, a whole different side to Vegas than visitors generally know about. Of course, it’s still the desert. 🙂

  4. Steve Canyon

    you wished fore more betray & dishonesty per square feet than in L.A.?
    hahahahahahahahaha: GO TO SIN CITY-Las Vegas!!