We used to get a kick out of Nicki Minaj’s imaginative fashion sense and bold style. But it seems the more we get to know her, the less we like her. Her gangster-mouth tirade against Mariah Carey was uncalled for and to her credit, Mariah never stooped to Nicki’s level of vulgarity. Now she’s publicly embarrassed Steven Tyler by calling him a “racist” simply because he questioned her ability as a judge on American Idol. He openly apologized, but shouldn’t have, because she isn’t worthy of a response. Nicki is simply displaying her lack of education and upbringing – another candidate for charm school. (Above Nicki is in Sydney launching her perfume “Pink Friday.”
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Patrick L.
howard deb hit it Strom
If Nicki were only WHITE she would be the BLACK man’s idea. Large ass, small brain>
Poor little imposter,,,trying to make a funny…..actually it was CDC who warned that 50% of BLACK women (Maybe Nicki) have and spread herpes.
Where is Mr. Hope & Change calling out these ghetto cruiser’s? Not gonna happen…he wants them dumb and ready to follow.
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howard Deb
@strom says,
“Poor little imposter,,,trying to make a funny…..actually it was CDC who warned that 50% of BLACK women (Maybe Nicki) have and spread herpes.
Where is Mr. Hope & Change calling out these ghetto cruiser’s? Not gonna happen…he wants them dumb and ready to follow.”
“Poor little St. James it’s not about posters. Try and stick to the topic of the thread.”
hey retard, do you ever read what you write ? hypocrite much ? put down the meth pipe dude, youre a losin it
Fruitcake city right there.
Where Where Where?
Won’t Nicki look funny as a 50 year old…….she is a terrible role model to young,black women.
Poor little imposter,,,trying to make a funny…..actually it was CDC who warned that 50% of BLACK women (Maybe Nicki) have and spread herpes.
Where is Mr. Hope & Change calling out these ghetto cruiser’s? Not gonna happen…he wants them dumb and ready to follow.
imgeorge has it right. Fifty percent of black women have herpes and probably don’t tell their partners.
I saw it on Oprah.
She/he/it is a BAD DRAG QUEEN and is an ugly, repulsive no-talent moron who thinks she/he/it is talented. Ghetto trash all the way! I just can’t imagine what this person looks like without that God=awful blonde wig and make up on. This person belongs in prison, not on a stage.
I heard her speak on some show–what a terrible voice! Who could stand to listen to her for more than five minutes before getting an earache? Usually singers have beautiful speaking voices. Her music must suck big time.
Poor little St. James it’s not about posters. Try and stick to the topic of the thread.
St. James
no one cares @ Strom, beyond your penchant for the crude and salacious no one gives a shit. Its the same dumb, mean crap, every day, every post
so just piss off until you have something witty, or funny or astute to say, aka as in never.
Foolish little imposter. None of the above comments are mine.
Janet please stop saying we when you mean I.
WE hate that .
Poor little imposter…it just wants to follow strom around and try so hard to be like him…but it just can’t pull it off.
Cry for me.
She is one very knarly lesbian but unfortaunately is a role model for the BLACK race. Her ghetto language should not be tolerated in public but like most ghetto cruisers, she has a chip on her shoulder and everything is about “diss”. She and her fake hippo body parts should be chopping cotton in Mississippi.
Poor little imposter…it just wants to follow strom around and try so hard to be like him…but it just can’t pull it off and looks like the dud it really is!
Who wants to smell like a dumbass?
I have never understood the buying of “celebrity” perfume. They don’t wear it, why would you want to
The little pied pipers imposters needs to get a life, the first post is not mine. I would never write something so STUPID.
She is one knarly lesbian but unfortaunately is a role model for the BLACK race. Her ghetto language should not be tolerated in public but like most ghetto cruisers, she has a chip on her shoulder and everything is about “diss”. She and her fake body parts should be chopping cotton in Mississippi.
Cheap dirty Janet
I would never buy anything this trash makes, I can’t stand her type of ignorant black person. Screaming racism is the worst thing people can do especially when nothing remotely racist was uttered. It just proves she’s the racist one. I hope her boyfriend throws another suit case at her head. She’s an idiot and any fan of hers must be an idiot too. I feel bad for Steven having his reputation tarnished by this fricking side show clown.
It doesn’t matter what color hair you dye your hair niki, you are boring and don’t have an original bone in your fat body, this shtick has been done before and it’s been done a lot better, you gutter troll swamp donkey!
Hmm, do I want to smell like ‘stale skank’?…
No thank you.
Uh, no.
Disgusting human being. People like her will kill the music industry.
Steve Canyon
…..what kind of TAMPONS she uses?