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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

Somebody call Details or the Fab Five- Nick Nolte desperately needs a makeover. His clothes are just too grey and baggy – although they do match his hair. And that handbag! Of course this is a step UP from the bathrobe he wears occasionally. Nick is starting to resemble his idol – the late Timothy Leary. Hey- Nolte could be a really handsome mature man with a minimum of effort.

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  1. Anonymous


  2. loran

    he was soo good looking when he was young oh so cute then. now time has took his beauty sorry but true.

  3. Anonymous

    Actually, the building he is in front of is 436 N. Bedford in Beverly Hills. It houses most of the top plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills, and Bedford Drive is full of them…. Hmmmm

  4. Anonymous

    I say leave him alone. He’s wearing comfortable clothing doing his errands, and so what about it. I don’t think he looks bad. Why does he have to get all dressed up? He doesn’t give a shit so why does anyone else?

  5. Bumboy bum bum

    Oh Sunseeds!
    Sh!tfaced again.

  6. sunseeds777

    Oh, yea… Get a hair cut, as well. (looks really bushy and unfinished/unprofessional.
    With a some coloring in his hair, he’d look way better!

  7. sunseeds777

    What that guy ought to do is dye his hair brown. I’ve heard it makes a person feel younger, which is why women do it all the time!
    Put on some Khaki pants and a Hawaiian shirt and give Eddy Murphy a phone call and tell him – lets do another police movie. If Eddies not available, maybe Chris Rock might do.

  8. sunseeds777

    Ladies he looks like a fixer upper.
    Actually, that guy has found himself and though everybody makes fun of how he looks, what does he care.
    Heck, I’ll bet that guy is just lonesome which is why he’d go on those drinking binges. I mean, why do most people drink in the first place?
    The fact he got the DUI was actually a blessing as he got sober and probably learned what ailed him.
    Now, he’s just minding his own business… I’ll bet that guy is more in touch with his feelings than most people.

  9. Bleached Butthole

    omg- give the guy a break. he’s old and he’s out running errands- he’s supposed to be dressed up?
    and janet– i bet your mug first thing in the morning could scare the sh*t out of him even.

  10. Anonymous

    Any look’s better than his mugshot.

  11. Anonymous

    Interesting that he’s on Bedford Dr in BH. The building behind him is also featured in Dr. 90210 as well is the building just south of it.
    Maybe he was getting a botox injection or getting his a-hole bleached.