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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Everybody’s talking about Will Smith’s episode of toxic masculinity, but let’s not forget about Nick Lachey’s equally toxic behavior the same night. Nick and his wife Vanessa walked out of Mastro’s Steakhouse with a friend and Nick happened to see a female photographer taking photos of him with her phone from her car parked on the street. He started cursing at her and bolted over to her car- she quickly rolled up the window. Nick pounded on the window and yelled insults, but she was scared and didn’t roll it down. When he finally walked away, she lowered the window enough to ask “Why are you so mad?” That set him off again – he turned and ran back to her car and struggled, trying to reach in and grab her phone. He didn’t get it, but he walked away yelling insults, giving her the finger, and sticking out his tongue. Really, Nick? You should be flattered that someone WANTS your photo…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. emmy

    Another legend in his own mind

  2. friz

    His wife is really annoying. Nobody likes her.