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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

Here’s Nick Carter leaving Mr Chow last week with a mystery girl (we think her name is Julie) It’s unusual because this is not generally one of his hangouts, but Mr Chow’s seaweed is VERY low -cal. Judging by his face he’s lost a few pounds. Those rigorous workouts with his strict trainer at 24 Hour Fitness in West Hollywood are paying off.

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  1. Brianna

    Looking good there Mr. Carter! Although Nick doesn’t usually hang at the paparazzi heavy Mr. Chow’s, he DOES love sushi and has for quite a while. As far as talent? He has over 75 million worldwide CD sales under his belt. If he could just get his shit together personally, the future is whatever he makes it.

  2. Anonymous

    Nick Carter rules! Who ever thinks any different needs to get a life!

  3. kar

    That IS Julie, his current girlfriend. He’s been dating her since November of last year. She’s from East St. Louis IL, was going to college in CA.
    by the way, Nick happens to be a very nice guy.

  4. Margo Channing


  5. Anonymous

    Nick carter was picking his nose with that big finger. I think that Julie there is calling her mom to come pick her up because she has a book report due tomorrow at school.
    He smokes weed and eats seaweed.
    haha. That’s the ancient Chinese secret to weight loss. I know because its what Mr.Chow’s cousin, Mr. Miyagi told me.
    Wax upper lip on , Wax bikini line off.

  6. cyrinda

    I smell a blind item in that description.

  7. cyrinda

    I smell a blind item in that description.

  8. Anonymous

    He’s another one of those brats nobody cares about. Better stories, please.

  9. ham sandwich

    maybe thats amateur porn star kim kardashian with that dork, paris and her hoes like to rotate the man meat around.

  10. Patrick

    Where’s Hedda?

  11. Bev

    Too bad he has no talent

  12. Anonymous

    d o r k .