And we always thought Nick Cannon was a reasonably hip and cool guy. Right after he announced that he is expecting his third child with an EX-girlfriend, Nick started mouthing off on his archaic opinions about freedom of choice and birth control. He declared that abortion and birth control are sinister methods of genocide in the black community! Even worse, he is AGAINST Planned Parenthood – the clinics that serve communities with men’s and women’s healthcare, STD testing, and birth control. He‘s opposed to government support of Planned Parenthood! Shame on you Nick! Did you ever consider all the unwanted children who end up in foster homes and prison? Grow up!
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Sunday, November 27, 2016
all babies are a whale of a lot of trouble, but they still should have rights ,..even before poppping out. amen
I agree with Nick. I hate Planned Parenthood. Government should not be funding abortions. So many people out there begging for a child to love.
Nick Cannon is right. A black baby in America has less than a 50% chance of being born. Shocking statistics! Forget gun crime, inner-city violence or even disease – the greatest killer of black people in America are their mothers. And Planned Parenthood Abortion Shops are primarily located in black communities. We should not be surprised – the founder Margret Sanger was a profound racist who believed black babies should be wiped out of America. And I say ‘Abortion Shops’ because the administration of PP call on their employees to increase ‘sales’ each month – that’s right they call abortions ‘sales’ – and they want the shops to ‘increase sales’. 86% of PP profit comes from abortions. Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the world. We now kill one quarter of all babies conceived – and that number is rising! Since Roe vs Wade 55 million Americans have been killed in the womb – by their mothers. 55 MILLION! Can you think of any disease or war or tragic event that would kill 55 million Americans over 40 years that we would not try to stop. We don’t realise how devastating abortion is to our nation. To be anti-abortion does not mean to be against women – it means to try to save future generations! What women don’t realise that across the world – if abortion is legal then more girl babies are killed than boy babies. Well done Nick Cannon – very few people will say that in today’s world where to be anti-abortion is somehow misconstrued to mean anti-women…
Janet, how many black babies are killed in the womb a year? Please post these statistics before you open your foul illeberal mouth, you dumb kkkunt!
Susie Beerman
Who is Nick Cannon ?
Trumpian Anal Orange Residue
The dumbing down of the US continues.
no doubt, the madhouse in with him!!