Photo Credit: Splash News
Nick Cannon certainly comes in handy at times. He and his wife Mariah Carey were leaving Roberto Cavalli’s party yacht in Cannes, when her high heels got tangled in her very long dress. Nick held her upright and carried the back of her flowing dress over the gangplank to safety.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
She’s ALWAYS being handled by her entourage like she’s an inflatable in the Macy’s Parade. ENOUGH. Is Mariah ambulatory or not? Elizabeth Taylor needs less “help” getting from A to B.
Red Rooster
I agree with Anonymous 4:53 p.m. — this appears to be a chivalrous act, so good for her.
I think he looks like an attentive husband and Mariah Carey hasn’t stopped smiling in a year. Everyone should be so lucky!
bonnie blizzard
This proves it !! As long as the money keeps flowing (mansions, trips, hob-nobbing with the elite), then Mr. Mariah Carey will never want a divorce. On the other hand, if the pre-nup stipulates that he gets 1 or 2 $million a year for each year of marriage, then maybe he’ll stick it out for “X” number of years, until he is entitled to a goodly amount. Expect the unexpected with these two.
Miss Eva
This woman has looked more and more like a $5 NY streetwalker ever since she left Tommy Mottola, who had at least made sure she looked classy for awhile. The awful plastic tits didn’t help.
D. Duck
Mariah should always wear a long skirt to cover up her short stumpy sausage legs.
Who on Earth is ‘Nick Cannon’? Is he Mariah’s pool boy or gardener or something? This man is unknown outside of America (or inside)
gerard Vandenberg