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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


A few years ago, Pamela Anderson, 53, left her cheating soccer-player boyfriend in France and moved back home to Canada, where she has 6 acres of property on Vancouver Island. Her grandmother had originally owned the land and Pam bought it 25 years ago. (Her parents still live there) There are several homes and a dock that she has been remodeling – with the help of her bodyguard, Dan Hayhurst, who is also a builder. They were isolated together during the pandemic, fell in love, and got married in December. Pam seems deliriously happy – she describes her new man as “a good guy- the kind I would have met if I’d stayed home.” Then she calmly disparaged her previous 4 husbands (Tommy Lee, Kid Rock, Rick Salomon, and Jon Peters) by adding “It’s nice to be with a real man who can change a light bulb!”

Photo: Instagram

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  1. Father John the new bishop in town

    A sickening immoral disgrace of a woman. Making her nest in Hades ready.

  2. Slow news day

    Well she does have terrible taste in men. Tommy Lee and Kid Rock both look like they need a 4 hour bath and delousing.

  3. Light Brigade

    Pam-land must be a weird place to live.

  4. Diva

    Dan will be gone within a year.

  5. becca

    Why would anyone care what she thinks about anything, let alone her thoughts about her numerous exes?