Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
You know what it means when a girl goes shopping with her boyfriends mother. It means the romance is getting SERIOUS. (Just ask Renee Zellweger.) Avril Lavigne and boyfriend Brody Jenner’s mom Linda Thompson bonded while loading up on household items at Bed Bath & Beyond. They schlepped out bag after bag of pillows, bedding, and small kitchen appliances. Is somebody setting up housekeeping, by chance?
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sir Justin Jonluke Ross Alldunn Feierabend Jr.
Ladies love to shop until they drop…I bet you they burn throw thousands in just one day,They earn it and they can burn throw it!
Casonia..Hells kitchen!Jennifer never lost one single pound in that place and she started to crumble and not pay attention to detail and was more silent then Tommy and I think Tommy is real cute and glad he is still there.. Who is going to Win? Hope it is
Wonderful to have a friend to go shopping with and you can play off each other and often find sales together?
Casonia Sade Logenberry...Rude and ungrateful people on your show and are the men ever going to get there act together and really learn the menu and gather up the side and listen and work together as a team. Elisa is a good cook and too bad her personalit
It is good to have friends that you trust and want to spend time with and this ladies are always so busy and really look rushed and that they don’t even have time for themselves…Much to be said and privancy is key and having some get together time and talk about friendship is great and Avril and Linda be careful and have a wonderful day and be careful driving.!
Who is more embarrassing for Canadians? Avril Lavigne, Pamela Anderson, Michael Buble or David Foster?
Simple! These women really think they look beautiful. Imagine living in a H-town where plastic is fantastic. It’s a sign of a status in a sense. These people are shallow and empty inside. What do they talk about at parties? Surgery! This unfortunate trend is coming to all major metro towns and it’s hitting west coast Canada as well. My loaded GF’s all have fake hair, caps, oompa loompa tans, implants, ghetto nails and various facial implants and procedures. Your house and car and overseas vacations are no longer enough. Personal plastic surgeon and twice a year tweak is the latest craze.
Sal Mineo's Zipper Squirrel
What I don’t understand is why these people don’t take a long hard look at other people who have had their whole faces done over before doing the same thing. Are their eyes that screwed up that they can’t see what the rest of us see? If someone held up a picture of one of these people to me and said I could have the same thing done for free, I’d run out the door at the speed of light screaming all the way to the next state over and not slow down to even look behind me for fear they might be gaining on me and carrying scapels.
Elvis’ past lovers, Priscilla and Linda, get their faces carved up, that’s just what they do.
Lenny, there are scores of women like that in Hollywood. Remind me of Kathrine Helmond’s character in Brazil.
Linda Thompson joins Priscilla Presley as good looking women who just screwed up their face.
And, yes, I know Avril is from Ontario.
Some Ontario small towns are the worst places in North America.
OMG Muffin, we actually agree on something.
Sal Mineo's Zipper Squirrel
DAMN!!! That mother’s face is impossible to looks at! Is that hot mess of a horror mask the same Linda Thompson that was Elvis’s screw? No WONDER she looks so bad, she’s old as hell and completely turned into plastic by now. Avril should take a good long look at her future and run like holy hell in the oposite direction!
WHO the $%^# cares about Avril Lavigne anymore?