We were SHOCKED to hear that NCIS star Pauley Perrette was viciously ATTACKED by what she described as a “homeless psychotic“ man as she was walking on her OWN street. (Ironically, she is an advocate for the homeless.) It happened around 5 PM Thursday – she was crossing the street when the frantic man grabbed her and started punching her in the nose and face. He shouted his name and yelled “I’m going to KILL you!” over and over again. No one was around. After a terrifying struggle he left her collapsed on the sidewalk and headed toward Hollywood Blvd, still raving to himself. Pauley called a friend who found the guy, called police, and had him arrested. He’s locked up on felony assault charges. Pauley is healing and grateful to be alive.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
The homeless are mostly mentally deranged and/or drug addicts and alcoholics who have been turned loose to prey on the rest of society, while the Politically Correct lecture us on tolerance and how we should help them and cater to their sick lifestyle.
She is realizing what most of us knew a long time ago, many of these homeless are actually insane. I worked in the SF Tenderloin for decades and ran into them daily, it’s quite frightening.
Ms. Perrette had a relative who was viciously murdered a few years ago.
Bucky M
Didn’t I read where she was laying on the sidewalk and a man walking his dog let the dog lick her face and then just kept walking the dog and didn’t offer to help her?
The homeless guy had mental issues but the man walking his dog is a cold, heartless a-hole.
Was it Angelo or the Pied Piper?
Where are idiots who ass kiss the homeless, meow, meow?
This could’ve ended tragically. I hope she will consider arming herself. Americans defend themselves with firearms over a million times a year. The media rarely publicizes this as they don’t want Americans to realize they have options. All of these crime shows rely on an endless parade of weak submissive victims clutching at their pearls while the bad guys merrily slaughter the innocent. Wake up, Paulie! You got a second chance!
Kim St Clood
There are 47 million Americans living in poverty — the highest number in two decades.Many with mental illness. I hope She is OK and Americans try to solve this…I also hope this Man gets some help.
america is full of these lunatics.