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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Splash News

“Lost” star Naveen Andrews is looking exceptionally dapper and sexy as he shops on Robertson Blvd. Chances are he’s looking to buy something nice for his sweetheart Barbara Hershey. Barbara has been a trouper in helping care for Naveen’s 3 year old son since Naveen got full custody in January.

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  1. Anonymous

    She’s so desperate to hang onto him she puts up with anything. I’m ashamed for her.

  2. gerard Vandenberg

    “GRASS & TREES” is the best solution, folks!!

  3. Nanny 911

    Gee, she’s well old enough to be his mama, at 21 years older than him. He has a granny type to take care of his kid…no day care fee.

  4. Howard Stern

    I bet he enjoys traveling the Hershey highway often.

  5. choppy waters

    That’s a matter of opinion…….looking at him au natural through the eyes of a virginial petite girl or a robust well-endowed faggot. It’s all in who you are. I don’t care if this does not make sense.

  6. Anonymous

    She should have kicked him to the curb he played around behind her back.

  7. Jayden Parker O'neal

    Janet who the hell is he? Looks like some nobody. Oh well.