Naomi Campbell,44, was the main attraction in the Jean Paul Gaultier show and she didn’t disappoint. Naomi has been on the catwalk for Gaultier since the 90’s and her appearance makes up for a lot of bad behavior. Tempestuous Naomi has a nasty habit of assaulting people with her cell phone or Blackberry. She’s been engaged multiple times (once to U2’s Adam Clayton!) to assorted billionaires, but she has never been married. Maybe that phone habit has something to do with it.
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Dee Cee
The winner of the battle for broken hearts parades wearing remnants from her victory.. Naomi tore up the reception tables, trashed the gifts.. got the brides bouquet and decorations and and ruined the wedding cake.. before the happy couple arrived.. HA that will teach that ex-lover to cheat on her.. Humph!
Poor imposter…escaped from the call center… so wants to be Strom!
Bu, I agree, the photo is breathtaking. I’m having difficulty controlling my breathing rate. Naomi is SO gorgeous! I want what she is waring!
Kitty, don’t let that trash talk to you like that. She just know any better and Obama has made it so she gets a free phone and plenty to eat without doing any work.
Lady In Black
Poor dear. Your BLACK boyfriend gave you herpes.
Then he left you for a fatter, whitetrash, younger, trailer piggy.
And he never paid you back…right?!
Hateful and disgusting.
Has the BLACK Lady ever acknowledged any problems with BLACKS? Or is she more like Obama who wants to enable them to work less and be on the public dole more?
Why did they loot Ferguson Missouri but never touch any of the WORK Boots in the shoe stores? Tells a great deal.
Snatch Bald Naomi, like steroid Serena, are examples of entitled ghetto BLACKS who cant relate to the populace.
Black Lady did acknowledge the problems with Naomi who is known to be arrogant. She fails to acknowledge the herpes epidemic in the BLACK race.
Little imposter just sneaks around and tries to copy Strom, he cant pull it off.
She is breathtakingly beautiful.
I’m just dying to ware her outfit!
Philberto Cardenez
a horrific personality
Lady in Black
Someone who posts here often has herpes and is angry about it; they can’t go without the mention each time they post something. Fact is, the study stating the racist comment about black woman and herpes has been was proven faulty. As for Naomi, she has a beautiful face and is snatch bald under that gorgeous weave! Supposedly she is a wicked and serious bitch which could explain why she isn’t married. Her money will keep her happy and people are toys to her.
This woman appears not to have aged one bit since she started modeling! I’d like to know her secret!
All that aside, the woman is still drop dead gorgeous, thus she can do her job fabulously to this day. Outfit like that on a 44 year old? and she can pull it off!! WOW!
True, Kathy, and does she also have herpes?
I can’t for the life of me see the attraction. And what a stupid comment, “Her appearance makes up for a lot of bad behavior.” Really? Tell that to the people she assaulted. She can’t make up for anything, she’s a horrible person, ugly on the outside and ugly on the inside.
Little imposter just tries to make a funny.
Nothing hot about Naomi…stay in France where your arrogance fits in better.
Disgusting vile bitch
Cal Culver
Do you think that will come in a size 12 at Sears? I sure hope so. I always did want to look like lawn clippings.
Where can I buy that lucious thing she’s waring?
mister baja
………….years pass by.
She is SO gorgeous!
HOTTTTTTTTT. Isn’t she!!