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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


normcut.JPGMTV fanatics who can’t live without The Real World might be interested in what Norman Korpi is up to these days. Norman, you will recall, was the first documented gay man to come out AND have a gay kiss on national TV back on the first Real World series in 1992. (It was the FIRST reality show!) Cute Norm became a heroic figure in the gay world and since he’s one of the most memorable of the Real World graduates, he’s been on many MTV shows since. He’s also a successful artist and his paintings are being shown at Creative Galleries in the Helms building in Culver City, Calif. Above Norm is being interviewed by Access Hollywood at his gallery opening, and you can see some of his work in the background. THAT’S what he’s up to.

Join the Conversation

  1. John McCain

    Homor, get out of my military

  2. George Bush


  3. Anonymous

    It appears that anonymous has an issue with anal seepage. But, I must say, “Norman is dreamy”

  4. Swanky Frank

    Up and at ’em boys, we got rocks to break

  5. Mike Kelly

    Wait, I hear a noise….

  6. Poon


  7. Skip Baxter

    I love lamp.

  8. Guy Grim

    He had me at “it tastes like clorox and salt”.

  9. Subaru Sue

    Its always fecal with you Cugger…

  10. Cugger

    It symbolizes man’s inhumanity to man. Or loose bowel movements…I always mix those 2 up.

  11. Darcy

    “Oh look Mom, I soaked three tampons in paint, tied them to rats and shot at them with a BB Gun as they ran across the canvas. Yay me. I am arteeest.”

  12. Corky

    He made my anus bleed

  13. Anonymous

    His paintings make my eyes bleed.

  14. Anonymous

    Your Uncle Roger touched me in the dirty place

  15. Anonymous

    he has egg-salad farts, and wets the bed

  16. Anonymous

    I’d shave his back for a dollar

  17. Anonymous

    He probably likes lots of pud-mustard on his weiner…..true dat!

  18. Anonymous

    Why bother following some non-celeb reality show loser? His paintings look sucky and formulaic.

  19. Clementines

    Yawn.. snooze.. boring.

  20. Rodney King

    Cops is still the best reality show in the world.

  21. Anonymous

    Actually ‘The Family” was modeled after “An American Family’ which came first in ’73

  22. Anonymous

    This is non-news. Will you run a plug for my Uncle Roger who is opening a new tire store in South Dakota?

  23. i luv rehab!

    The first reality show was “The Family” which aired on the BBC in the 70s, not The Real World.

  24. Margo Channing

    I’d still bang him.

  25. Anonymous

    Successful artist? That’s a bit of a stretch.