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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We can’t stop thinking about Forbes list of The Most Overpaid Actors in Hollywood. Specifically the actors whose films didn’t make enough money to justify their absurd salaries. Here’s the list if you haven’t seen it:

I Johnny Depp (Topped list second year in a row!)
2 Will Smith
3 Channing Tatum
4 Will Ferrell
5 George Clooney
6 Adam Sandler (We’re surprised he isn’t first every year)
7 Mark Wahlberg
8 Leonardo DiCaprio
9 Julia Roberts
10 Bradley Cooper

Our first thought is sad – only one female is on the list, emphasizing the fact that women are grossly underpaid in Hollywood.
Our second thought was: is this an EMBARRASSMENT or an ACCOMPLISHMENT for those on the list? Are the massively overpaid actors secretly thrilled at getting those huge undeserved salaries or disappointed at their boxoffice failures? It could go either way, but we’re betting they’re proud to be on the list. One thing for sure- these actors’ agents are bragging all over the office!

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Strom

    The answer is Jennifer Lopez but it is a major stretch to even call her an actor or actress!

  2. whoopi


  3. Rodent

    Everything Johnny Depp has done since Ed Wood has sucked royally. I flipping hate that pirate nonsense. What a sell out. And his support of Roman Polanski makes my skin crawl.

  4. Frank Friz-picker

    “women are grossly underpaid in Hollywood”

    Yes, Natalie Portman net worth $54 million
    Jennifer Aniston $150 Million
    Meryl Streep $45 million
    Tina Fey $45 Million
    Kristin Stewart $70 million
    Courtney Cox $75 Million.

    They must all be on foodstamps like 47 million other Americans !

  5. Daggers

    They all should be on a list, but not this list, rather a (Oh, I can’t say it) list.

  6. susieserb

    Why? Just WHY? I mean non of these people do it for my anymore? Like government entitlements…long in the tooth.

  7. Becca

    Just because only one woman is on the list doesn’t mean actresses are underpaid.
    It means they are correctly paid for their work!

  8. Palermo

    I can’t stand anybody on that list