Coincidence? We think not. Lindsay Lohan wore these $800 Chanel fingerless gloves in Elle months before her arch-rival Paris Hilton flaunted them at the Video Awards. Who looked better in them?
Wednesday, September 6, 2006
Coincidence? We think not. Lindsay Lohan wore these $800 Chanel fingerless gloves in Elle months before her arch-rival Paris Hilton flaunted them at the Video Awards. Who looked better in them?
neither. those things are stupid and ugly. not to mention USELESS
Your audience and readers are old – they want vintage Janet. Stop trying to be young and hip. We want Liza stories.
Jade / The Gossip Girls
I so do not like the gloves. They just seem odd to me. I may not be an “it” girl.. but it doesn’t take much to know ugly when you see it *smile*
$800? I can make you a pair for $5 and buy you a chanel logo in downtown LA lol
they both look like pieces of trash….
Paris has been wearing those gloves for months.. I remember they said that she was stupid cause she lost only half of her glove…
Fire Wife
The gloves are UGLY – can you please not report anything on Paris? Who cares?
Hilton was arrested for a DUI early this morning. Just an FYI
Please – no more Paris Hilton stories. Her 15 minutes have come and gone.
neither of them. they both are overrated ‘stars’.
Neither looks good. Those gloves are stupid.
800 dollars for a paor of leather ha;f gloves is like, a total steal!
Seriously, why didn’t I go into fashion design?
talk about a con game!
Lohan is the better looking brawd of the two if you really must know.
LL. The only thing that looks better on Paris is moi.
The non-gloves don’t look good on anybody. I can’t imagine a normal person wearing something like that.
The cow looked better in them. As in the original cow, not these two ho cows.
Who cares about these gloves??? Did you have nothing else to post Janet?
Or Roseanne Barr, or Cher, or E.G. Daily, or John Fogety, Boz Scaggs, Sheena Easton or people who don’t get that much coverage. Why stick with the same played-out names?
Yeah give us some stories on John Travolta and his bathhouse escapades.
L-Lo did.
…Paris is the worlds most over-rated person afterall.
Who cares…another non-story. Why don’t you cover some of your generation’s (reaad: Baby Boomer) stars instead of these young nobodies who everyone is covering? You obviously can’t compete with Perez Hilton and who’d want to. You’re letting your older audience down, Janet.