It appears that Mohamed Hadid has learned a thing or two from his successful model daughters Gigi and Bella. The girls have more than a passing acquaintance with hair extensions, and their dad figured “Why not me too?” His hair started thinning a few years ago and instead of having surgery or getting a toupee, he got extensions of his own. They work out well for him. We ARE somewhat taken aback by the outfit Bella wore (above) while having lunch with her dad in Beverly Hills. It’s funny, you rarely see the Hadid sisters carrying a purse – only a phone…
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
Monday, August 7, 2017
tragic and tragic
It's me Margaret
The outfit is heinous, what a horrible way to dress a beautiful figure. The dad does not have hair extensions.
Dan Dan
Classy outfit for lunch with your father. SMH
Lauren Phillips
Who are these people?