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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Mischa Barton always looks surprised when the paparazzi swarm around her but what can she expect when she drives around in that huge blue vintage Cadillac? She’s hard to miss. Mischa seems to have a hard time getting work, but in fact she makes a lot of movies – it’s just that they often go straight to DVD. But she still gets paid.

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  1. Sir Justin Jonluke Ross Alldunn Feierabend Jr

    Mischa is such a Beautiful name and she is driving a classic car and that is going to gather attention…But no matter what anyones says…I Can tell she has love in her heart and she is a lover of Dogs and she is gentle and sweet and really kind young lady.

  2. Sir Justin Jonluke Ross Alldunn Feierabend Jr

    She is making History on so many levels…Making movies with actors who are on there way up and other actors that are nolonger on this earth is amazing? Having fun and having people know who you are in really wonderful on many levels…Because it only means that that went out and got the D.V.D. And viewed the movies.

  3. SebastianCanada

    Handbasket, I so agree. I think it is a case of the people who deal in celebrity just towing the line and not actually stopping to analyze what is going on.

  4. Indy

    She always looks spaced out. When she entered the hospital mysteriously a few months ago, I think it was because she overdosed. Course, it was kept quiet. She’s pitiful mostly.

  5. Helena Handbasket

    Why this… Why that… What I’D like to know is WHY IS SHE STILL GARNERING ANY ATTENTION WHATSOEVER?? She was once a ravishing stunner with a bright future and a killer fashion sense. That’s over and judging by both her appearance along with her unpredictable behavior for the past two years, she’s lost her MIND along with everything else.
    She’s a non-entity these days and attracts the paps because she’s a trainwreck. (Think Britney, LiLo, et al..)
    Any ‘fashion house’ who selects the likes of Mischa Barton to be the “FACE” of their line must have their collective heads up their asses.
    Or maybe they’re going for that “non-look” look.
    Yeah. That’s got to be it because cold oatmeal has more appeal than this has-been.

  6. SebastianCanada

    Why do her teeth look so weird? She has wine-taster’s mouth.

  7. Teddy

    Why does she have such a dreadful fashion sense? Was her mother raised by wolves?

  8. SebastianCanada

    Have you noticed that the whole youth wave that occurred around the early part of the 00’s is drawing to a close, that California teen look has faded, and a lot of those It girls are scrambling around to redefine their style and failing miserably. Misha is one, Ashlee Simpson is another. Xstina has turned into a cyber drag queen. Britney has become a hillbilly bag lady. And the rest are just looking more and more like streetwalkers.

  9. Bettye Bluejay

    Yes, awful taste in clothes, but H & M featured her in their fall magazine.

  10. cal

    She really has sh*t taste with the clothes she chooses to wear

  11. wim

    …….but she shits just the same way like everybody else.