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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Mike Tyson
is thrilled because he’s getting his own reality show. He has some very important people behind this and they’re tweaking concepts to figure out to best one for Mike. They might do a show about finding him a wife or a show about him struggling with sobriety. One thing it WON’T be about is boxing – viewers haven’t embraced reality boxing shows. Mike is particularly happy about his new series because he had been hoping to appear on Dancing with the Stars but was turned DOWN because of his prison record.

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  1. Topanga Sez:

    Just one of the many assbums that media foists upon the public.
    Lets get all the crude and repellant idiots organized into one media and one hour.

  2. Anonymous

    He had to have paid these women, right?

  3. Melm

    This loser can’t do anything right. Why does he even bother to show that disgusting face in public?

  4. Anonymous

    Maybe he will have Bobby Brown in his reality show a lot, since he (Bobby Brown) can’t get his own off the ground since Whitney has left him and washed her hands completely off the reality show and wants nothing to do with it. You see, she (Whitney) was the real star! Mike Tyson and Bobby Brown are very close friends. And maybe mike should dance with Bobby Brown! Would be interesting to watch!

  5. Anonymous

    Maybe he will have Bobby Brown in his reality show a lot, since he (Bobby Brown) can’t get his own off the ground since Whitney has left him and washed her hands completely off the reality show and wants nothing to do with it. You see, she (Whitney) was the real star! Mike Tyson and Bobby Brown are very close friends. And maybe mike should dance with Bobby Brown! Would be interesting to watch!

  6. the citizens of America

    I hope no one watches his show. And how dumb is that ho to be on that woman beating rapist?? Why doesn’t she just date OJ and get it over with??

  7. Anonymous

    The ho jumping on Tyson has toes as long as my fingers.

  8. Anonymous

    I feel sorry for this guy.
    he’s been ripped off and abused and should have more to show for his life.

  9. Anonymous

    I think he is just misunderstood. I bet it was consensual. She was looking at $$dollar signs$$. I think the show will be great entertainment.

  10. Patrick

    Mental note. Stealing a Maori families tattoo,{moko} and plastering it on my face is BAD mojo!!!

  11. Anonymous

    What a revolting photo. What a statement on our society that someone like Mike Tyson would have a reality show.

  12. Anonymous


  13. Anonymous

    I can’t imagine who would watch this train wreck of a person (can’t say human being). I guess only the lowest of low-lifes. What a waste of air time! I hope they pull it after one show…or better yet, don’t show it at all!

  14. Bev

    He rapes woman,nothing but filthy pond scum.and he gets a t.v. show,nice.