Mickey Rourke, 56, is in hog heaven sitting with a table full of models at Bijoux lounge in New York. But he only has eyes for ONE – Victoria’s Secret model Eugenie Volodina, 24, who did not resist his advances. They openly smooched and she didn’t seem to mind his crazy hair – puzzling white “highlights” – or are they extensions?
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
ritarudeness you rock…and i was in the biz, so i know how these things work…too bad the rest of the country doesn’t know or have a clue about these things!
They look totally waisted.
See the spade in the background gettin in his gropes on the white girls!
I like Mickey but what the hell is going on with that hair??
Her Russian parents are proud of her. All they hear is the words…”Mickey is a movie star”, and they are glad their young stupid girls are latching on to money. In fact they promote it; they think they will be fixed for life.
gerard Vandenberg
…………..HELLRAISER IS BACK, folks!!
In 9 months he’ll be paying out 50% of his fortune to his love child for the rest ofhis life, and Eugenie will be running all over the world with whoever is her latest man. She’s not the one who’s a fool.
Rita Rudeness
Little does this woman know where those lips had to go as Mickey Rourke begged on his knees for months to the Hollywood studio bosses for his big ‘comeback’. He wore out many a casting couch with the male dominated studio heads.
looks like a pretty good way to crap his life away.
Am sure this 24 year old is making her parents really proud, the pictures are trashy. Mickey Roarke should be ashamed of himself.
Looks like he’s about to crap his life away again with all night parties and hangers-on. Wake up Mickey.