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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


For years, hairdresser (sometimes to the stars) Guiseppe Franco in Beverly Hills, has been a close friend and confidante of Mickey Rourke. Mickey can frequently be seen hanging at Franco’s salon or having lunch with Guiseppe at Caffe Roma. So, WHY is Mickey walking around in this godawful fake looking wig? Guiseppe should be ashamed for allowing his buddy to be seen like this.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Giuliana de Pandi Rancid

    Trying HARD to give Rourke the benefit of the doubt here (by many accounts he is a good guy):

    This look is some sort of ongoing performance art? He is portraying a live action crash test dummy?!

    (Also noted, the copious ‘product’ in the background; no combination of which will be any help to poor Mickey. 🙁 )

  2. CMAC

    He looks like he had his face eaten off by a coyote and they gave him a transplant

  3. Giuliana de Pandi Rancid

    ANGELS WEEP over the state of this man, once one of Hollywood’s finest pieces of a*s! 🙁

    The ABOMINABLE wigs are signal that he’s simply given up.

    Joey (aka Guiseppe) IS talented–but he can’t work miracles.

  4. Krtmom

    He looks like the guy from Halloween!!!

  5. obi

    he is using wigs and dogs the wrong way…………

  6. Jojogogo

    Mickey is and always has been very talented. He should have a Netflix series. Yes the blows to his head and the plastic surgery hasn’t done himmfabors but no matter. That man has more acting chops than so many men out there.

  7. Julia

    He has received far too many blows to the head