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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


It’s difficult to fire your hairdresser when you’ve been friends for decades, but it’s time for Mickey Rourke to make a change. He’s given up on his own hair augmentation and taken to wearing wigs for the past few years. He has quite a variety in an assortment of colors, but they all share one trait- they look fake. And it’s not doing his career any good – his next two films are horror movies.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. racing pilot

    or did he grab the wrong wig?

  2. Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid

    Hair Club For Men is BEGGING Mick to ditch his wigs–out of fear that the public will mistake him for a member.

  3. Diva

    He needs more than a hair stylist

  4. virginia jacks

    At least it looks like he’s keeping in shape!

  5. James Packham-St.John

    A depraved Man.