Mickey Fine, the pharmacy in Beverly Hills being investigated for providing drugs to celebrities with fake names, has been serving their elite clientele for many years. We spoke to a former employee who told us that doctors in the medical building battled for Michael Jackson’s business and they got loads of prescriptions for Michael under different names like “Mr London.” All the employees wanted to deliver to the Jackson house because they always got at least a $40 tip. This is the same drugstore that back in the day, created RECTAL sleeping pills for Dean Martin because he always messed up his dosage. (It’s easier to remember putting a pill in your butt than swallowing it.) Ironically, they were preparing the same prescription for Marilyn Monroe right before she died after injesting too many sleeping pills. (Hey, that guy walking out of Mickey’s looks familiar)

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  1. ………….the “FAKE LIFE” is still favourite in “HOLLYWOOD”, folks!!

  2. Mathew Perry. Janet under her oxygen tent was too afraid to post his name.

  3. There is old slang that slipping someone a Mickey Finn is poisoning or drugging them — so do we think that the name “Mickey Fine” is a pun on that?

  4. Casonia Logenberry..Jennifer stop screwing up!Hells kitchen first no salt in the mash potatos and then you screw up the Veggies stop and take control and allow Elisa to hang herself. Pauly I think your great and keep up the great work..Every one screws up says:

    Drugs and pills pushed and allowed to give out more of what a person needs in order to feel good and that is away of killing people and getting paid for it as well and of course everything that is abused means death and it is all about the money and of course this place is going to remain forever and ever with fraud and early death for there clients. Death Door and pill popping delight.

  5. Mickey Finn’s Yiddish owners dont do turn down’s. Its all about the $$$$ folks.

  6. Casonia Logenberry..Good Luck Will and Pauly and Jennifer and Elisa is just making herself look like a fool and her rudeness and personality really sucks and she should had tasted those mash potatos and she should had cooked those apples the right way on says:

    Money is Murder and it is wrong to give people drugs that kill them and take there life early and if that is the case then just give it to every body in the world that wants the drugs and that ways there will not be any more money if this people kill every body.

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