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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Okay, like a lot of people, when we heard that Mick Jagger is ailing and postponing his tour for at least three months for medical treatment, we were at jolted at the sudden idea of his mortality. Genetically, Mick, 75, is blessed- his lookalike father was a gym teacher and lived an active life until the age of 93. We were HOPING that Mick needed hip replacement surgery and chose not to talk about it because it’s a sign of ageing. Unfortunately, it turns out that Mick’s health “problem” was discovered by doctors when he was examined for his tour insurance. A painful hip develops gradually and it’s not a surprise. That’s not good news and we have our fingers crossed for Mick.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

UPDATE: Luckily, Mick’s mystery affliction turned out to be a fixable heart problem- we bet he’ll be back in action sooner than expected!

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  1. Diva

    He is having a stent put in, I don’t know why Janet would say hip replacement.

  2. CoCoJoe

    I don’t get it, Janet. What are you getting at with these contradictory statements?
    “We were HOPING that Mick needed hip replacement surgery and chose not to talk about it because it’s a sign of ageing.”
    “Unfortunately, it turns out that Mick’s health “problem” was discovered by doctors when he was examined for his tour insurance. A painful hip develops gradually and it’s not a surprise. That’s not good news…”

  3. alex

    …………like it Always will be,,,,,,,,,,,

  4. ChrisTo

    a morally bankrupt geezer