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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


If footballer Michael Vick, 31, thought it would be easy to get back in the public’s good graces after he served time for illegal dog fighting, he underestimated the memories of animal lovers. We haven’t forgotten those scarred and tortured dogs. Happily, Vick has been voted Most Disliked player in the NFL by sports fans. 60% of all NFL fans polled by Nielsen dislike Vick. To be exact – 70% of the women and 50% of the men named him least liked player. Public opinion has made Vick less likely to land any important endorsement deals – even Nike doesn’t use him as a pitchman. And that’s the way it should be.

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  1. dee cee

    Just saying.. how many raped, abused and killed people and are still beloved?

  2. Mistechal

    ” Most Disliked” ???? Understatement !!! ” How I would like to see him die” would be a better caption !!! This piece of human excrement !!!

  3. me

    Eating meat is also pretty horrendous. Get over yourselves.

  4. Diva

    Indy is right he needs to do community service at the humane society.
    Isn’t it interesting killers often start with animal abuse?
    He’s an asshole.

  5. Kitty

    Also, I’m not surprised you’re not an animal lover, I could already tell that!

  6. Kitty

    PR Diva, calling the torture, abuse and cold blooded killing of poor innocent animals who provide so much comfort and companionship to people a “mistake” is absolutely unforgivable and ridiculous. Calling things like this a mistake is simply somebody’s blatant attempt to minimize the situation and what’s perpetrated on innocent creatures.

  7. PR Diva

    @By Elizabeth

    Really! No Really! Comparing MVick’s crime to that of a pedophile. Come On! Being an adult mean you make reasonable comments!

  8. PR Diva

    ….”And that’s the way it should be.”

    Get outta here with that statement and get over yourself. I am not defending what Michael Vick did to those animals; however, I always believe people deserve a 2nd chance especially when they are making an effort.

    Unlike you Janet, I will NOT hold a person account FOREVER for a mistake! Believe me… Believe me, you HAVE or WILL do something that you will want people to forgive you REMEMBER that when you are sitting in judgment.

    Also, I am NOT an animal love, but I do not want anything to happen to them.

  9. Diva

    He’s scum, he won’t change.

  10. Patrick

    Dazzel, I don’t give a shit about him my comment was related to his dog fighting conviction and the geographical differences of animal related issues.

  11. Dazzel

    Strong you and Patrick are idiots. Go ahead and worship this no good loser. He is a disgrace to REAL men and frankly a social moron.

  12. Dazzel

    Good. He Is the LAST person I want to see paid well or endorsing products.

  13. anonTWO

    I am also an animal lover and it is not easy to forgive someone who deliberately tortured defenseless animals. However Vick does not have to be “liked” in order to enjoy a career in football, all he has to do is toss that ball and win games!
    There is allegedly nude pics of dude in circulation, he does not know how to keep his nose clean!

  14. Kitty

    I hate this soul-less bastard.

  15. Hello

    He can cover his chocolate self all over me.

  16. Denise

    I’m going to adopt a whale in Strom’s name 🙂

  17. Patrick

    The Viets and Hongs have puppy on the menu.
    When shoppping everywhere town in India you get nudged out of the way by cows.
    Guinea pig on the barbie in Peru.
    Enjoy your sleep under that gorgeous Eider duck comforter. Perception is geographical.
    Fighting dogs were genetically bred to kill, are assholes and for all intent are land sharks.
    Fuck em.

  18. Strom

    Animals are simply animals. Nut case dog lovers dont say a word when they are trussed up and put in shows or when they shit and piss all over the steets as people walk them or when they are kept inside like they were people.

  19. Christine India

    I’m kinda on the fence about this. Vick did serve his time. But I think he should be made to go to various animal shelters for 5 years, clean cages, feed and walk dogs, and donate money for their upkeep. And it wouldn’t hurt if he got bitten several times for good measure.

  20. pusssykatt

    Put him a closet with a rabid pit bull and I’ll be satisfied that he’s paid his dues.

  21. Elizabeth

    I don’t care if he ‘paid for his crime’, he still did it and he has it in him to do it. I was truly disappointed in the NFL for hiring him back. I am so relieved to hear Nike won’t endorse him. What if a pedophile pays for his crime?? He’s still a pedophile.

  22. Heisenberg

    Dude has paid his debt to society, let him be.

  23. E

    Unfortunately, he’s got a lot of fans in the Philadelphia area; there is a huge percentage there of people who are such rabid football fans that they don’t care what he did and actually brag about liking him.

  24. Strom

    What a stupid PC story. Michael Vick paid for his crime and has returned to make a life. He is absolutely not hated by most football fans and is greatly respected for his ability.

    Animal crazies have no doubt put this out as a fund raising alarm and maybe it works but any real football fan knows better.

    Now we will have a “save the whales” thread each day.

  25. palermo

    He will always be scum in my book

  26. forrest gump

    this can be a clear signal: DO NOT TRUST PEOPLE WITH WHISKERS!!!!!!

  27. Nina

    Useless bastard should be treated exactly as those poor helpless dogs were and see how he likes it. Doesn’t matter if he physically took part in it, he financed it, so he’s every bit as guilty. I’d like to take a baseball bat to his ugly face. I hope he dies broke.