Photo Credit: Splash News
And so it begins. The pressure is mounting and Michael Jackson just cancelled his first week of concerts in London, leaving 10,000 fans who bought tickets distraught. Many ticket holders had made plans to fly in from other countries for the event. Michael rescheduled the four cancelled shows for up to EIGHT months later. While Michael seems to have been visiting his doctor more often than he rehearses, he claims his health is fine. (Note those shoulders again.) The official excuse for the cancellation was that complex technical parts of the show weren’t ready and also, since Madonna was performing at the same arena in the beginning of July, Michael wouldn’t have enough time to rehearse.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Casonia logenberry
First thing is first you should had ate more food and that way you could had weigh more and there for not be as tired and warn out and of course massages but any way it is too late and we miss you and love you and thank you for being a part of are lives and good bless you and your whole family. LOVE YOU MICHAEL JACKSON ALWAYS.
i love you Michael
Said he would do so when it was first announced months ago.. take the upfront money, pretend sicky and run away JACK is his regular M O now.
Janet why do you blog about MJ daily? We don’t care!
gerard Vandenberg
Americans are still believing this story?
gay tallywacker
there is always some fool willing to pay perfectly good money so these has been fools can get rich again. He had it all and squandered it and now because he deigns to go on tour, people want to throw their hard earned cash at him?? Really?
He pulls the same crap all the time, just like his sister
I wouldn’t go if he paid ME
I can’t believe anyone would be stupid enough to hire this clown.