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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Here’s an interesting photo of Melanie Griffith, her kids, and her mother Tippi Hedren at the airport. Melanie’s son Alexander (with ex-husband Steven Bauer) is 24, her daughter Dakota (with ex-husband Don Johnson) is 20, and her youngest, Stella, (with present husband Antonio Banderas) is 13. We think Alexander looks a LOT more like Don Johnson than he looks like his father Steven Bauer – do you see the resemblance?

UPDATE: The mystery is solved, thanks to our astute readers. The Don Johnson lookalike IS actually Don’s son with Patti D’Arbanville. He’s Jesse Johnson, an actor, and Dakota’s half brother. The photographer misidentified him.

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  1. KC

    The “son” in that photo is not Alexander Bauer. That is why he doesn’t look like Stephen Bauer. That is Jessie Johnson..who does look just like his Dad, Don!!! You should correct the headline.

  2. E

    Haha, classic: “How can you tell he looks like his mother? She has had so much plastic surgery, she doesn’t even remember what she looked like originally.”

  3. angie

    You are such a dumb ass. Get your facts straight. You are constantly wrong on shit!

  4. Barkley

    Love Mel. Saw her or heard her as the little bird in “Stuart Little” this weekend. She was perfectly cast. She’s lookin’ good and so’s her mom.

  5. dee cee

    He looks like his mother and grandfather Peter Griffith

  6. Bettye Bluejay

    That guy is too old looking to be only 20.
    Need clarification!

  7. Helena Handbasket

    So this isn’t Alexander at all? Nevermind. lol

  8. Helena Handbasket

    I’m the same age as Melanie and remember very well how she was the Paris Hilton of the mid-70’s Hollywood scene. The media dogged her every step and her partying, heavy drug/drink abuse and wild love life were the talk of the town. At the age of 14 she met and moved in with (then) 22 year-old Don Johnson. When she was 18 they married in a quickie ceremony in Las Vegas and divorced in less than 6 months. She then met and married Steven Bauer, had baby Alexander, divorced Steven and eventually reunited with Don.
    I wish Janet had posted photos of both Don and Steven Bauer in their early 20’s. Don had that all-American blonde, ‘pretty-boy’ look whereas Steven had that dark and smouldering-hot look (similar to Antonio) that clearly didn’t transfer to Alexander. This story is juicier than any Thanksgiving dinner! Anything’s possible of course, but I still think Mel’s got some ‘splainin to do.

  9. Sue

    Lola’s right. Alexander Bauer looks like his Dad. This is Jesse James Johnson, son of Don Johnson and Patti D’Arbanville. Love ya, Janet, but you’ve made this mistake before……

  10. lola

    That is Jesse Johnson, not Alexander Bauer. Alexander looks very much like his father.

  11. CindyLou

    How can you tell he looks like his mother? She has had so much plastic surgery, she doesn’t even remember what she looked like originally.

    My sons are by the same father and they don’t even look related to each other, much less brothers. So, you really can’t say for sure that this son’s father is Don Johnson. I will agree that he resembles him, but so do a lot of people. He doesn’t have an unusual face.

  12. Reta

    You should have posted a pic of the young Don Johnson at that age with this in order for us to compare. Can’t tell from this, he looks like his mother from this pic.

  13. L'il Off Broadway

    She is a sex-crazy woman, or at least she was. Yet, by her own admission, she worries about Antonio cheating on her. And that’s the way it is in GollyWeird.

  14. 6767

    Damn, he looks exactly like Don Johnson!

  15. Helena Handbasket

    That’s just bizarre.
    Why the pretense, Melanie?

  16. Ana Maria

    …Absolutely! he is Don Johnson’s mini-me…

  17. captain america

    this ie result of don johnson’s sperm, folks!!

  18. moshe

    A very stupid photo

  19. right

    Her son looks exactly like don johnson. Guess they were still bumpin ugly when she was married to steven bauer.