Jovial drinks at the bar of the fancy May Fair Hotel in London ended up in a brawl thanks to Melanie “Scary Spice” Brown’s temperamental husband Stephen Belafonte. Bar patrons said everyone was having a pleasant time (Mel was in the hall talking to friends) when there was an “explosion of violence” and Stephen jumped on another bald guy at the bar and they rolled on the floor cursing, punching, and kicking. Stephen had his sweater ripped off and the other baldie hit his head on a coffee table and was bleeding profusely. Mel watched in horror as three hotel staffers pulled them apart. Stephen begged the photographer to delete the pics he took but when police and paramedics arrived the snapper slipped away. Belafonte claimed the fight started because the other guy made a lewd comment about his wife. Maybe, but Belafonte (not has real name) has a history of violence AGAINST women, not IN DEFENSE of them. He’s been charged with violence against ex girlfriends under his real name, Stansbury. Mel and her questionable husband are in London to promote her new reality series “Mel B: It’s a Scary World.” Too bad TV cameras weren’t around for this incident.
Casonia Logenberry...Hells kitchen Tommy please speak up more!Elisa was trying to throw you under the Bus with the Beef Wellingtons and you really layed into her and..I Really like that action from you? Elisa you claim you never make the same mistake twic
Some people just want a reason to fight to relieve tention and frustration and anger and…At times it takes some words to get some one mad on a bad day and here comes the hitting and it makes people feel better but today you can get in massive trouble and get tossed in the jail and have to pay for hurting that person know adays and so to hit is wrong but if the other person hits you…You can Beat there ass then?
Casonia logenberry
I Would not want a man to fight another man over me..Unless the man put his hand on me and hurt me in some kind of way shape or form but to just start a fight over a word is not the right way to go and I would not like that and we would have to leave unless the man put his hand on my man or put his hand on me and then a fight can start but just to fight over words is not worth it to me.
I smell a sex-tape coming…
Sebastian: she didn’t have to “turn herself into” ghetto trash…all of them were always trash and untalented. They only gained popularity by being nearly naked and provocative with their “lyrics” which I’ll bet they didn’t even write! Talk about no talent!
See, this just shows how single-minded Strom is. He is so obsessed with calling out obvious misteps by blacks who are easy targets that his misses good opportunities. Why because he is lazy and does not do his research.
Mel B is a walking disaster. She was the first Spice Girl to have a failed solo career, the first to squander her Spice Millions, and the first to turn into an Americanized celebutard. And by hooking up with this punk of a boyfriend she put the finishing touches into turning herself into ghetto trash.
What kind of total loser names themselves “Belafonte” knowing full well everybody will asume he is related to the famous Harry Belafonte the singer?! If I was in the REAL Belafonte family I’d sue his fat ass off! Stansbury has been in the news several times for being involved in criminal activity and has not only damaged the Belafonte name now, but dragged down his “wife” with him. That anybody would reward this thug and the obnoxiously irritating “Mel B.” ANY kind of “show” boggles the mind! THAT should qualify as criminal in and of itself!
This guy has had plenty of other unpublicized moments of violence against both men and women, and is currently being sued for big money by a real estate agent’s assistant who had the misfortune of taking a picture of fake-Belafonte’s house to use as a “comp” for a nearby house for sale. Theft, brawling, intimidation, thuggery, battery, spousal abuse, etc etc. If even 10% of this guy’s misdeeds were published, he would be a three-striker in San Quentin right now.
He is a DL man, that voice of his is like nails on a chalkboard.
This was all done for the reality show…just like the drink throwing incident with the largest ass Kardashian.
Mel is still eating much pussy and Steve is trying to pick up a few extra quid and girls!
captain america
meet the SICK & BALD nazi-asshole!!!!!!!!!
He looks like a fat sloppy pig and I couldn’t STAND her on DWTS! Bad enough I watched her on that, not going to watch her on anything else. And I’m FINALLY burnt out on DWTS now and will not watch it anymore til they get some actual “stars” and not these reality losers or teenage unwed mother who are only famous because their mother is. Talk about stretching for it!
LOL Mel!
Men who like to man-handle other men, would like other men to man-handle them.
Macho, macho man….
Mel Zipskin
Drunken closet case. They ALWAYS LOVE to batter other men.
SO obvious!
Jerry D
He looks like he’s at a casting session for the new Mr. Clean!
Oh, #$@(*%$—-I put this on the wrong ones. Sorry.
E-Listers and sinking lower, as more info comes out on these two cheating. Everyone knew it wouldn’t last. She is super clean, stuck-up skag, picky about everything, he is a total nut, and she is 8 years younger.
The only people in the world interested in these Spice ‘D-listers’ are Americans. Why is that?