Mel B cheered herself up with a new set of super-long extensions and looks happy arriving on the set of her new movie. You’d never guess she was in the middle of what might turn out to be the most scandalous divorce in memory. Her estranged husband Stephen Belafonte (not his birth name) is a sleazy con artist with a police record and he plans to make her suffer. Already there is talk of extortion and sex tapes, a pregnant nanny, and now the old girlfriends that Stephen brutalized are threatening to tell all. Mel and Stephen were both into kinky three-way sex and there are plenty of potentially talkative third parties. Obviously Mel was blinded by sexual attraction when she agreed to marry Belafonte and later she says she was afraid to leave. This outrageous divorce is destined to make Brangelina look like kid stuff.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
Maybe she should just write a check.
Never leave your teenage daughter or girlfriend alone w Mel. She has a huge appetite for female sex!
Clearly she has a very low IQ and a lack of self esteem . The fellow was a known creep and dbag.
Mel is a major scammer and a huge lesbian, now seeking fame!
Scooby I agree. She is no victim. She was into the same sleazy shit as him.
bear mountain
just see him as another @sshole.
Ah, the memories.
Seems like just yesterday (has it really been TEN years?) that this very site got a huge boost in its readership, when someone began posting some rather unsavory truths about the grifter who calls himself Stephen Belafonte.
All by way of a warning to Mel B.
The problem was–then and now–that these two more-crooked-than-straight characters WERE MADE FOR EACH OTHER.
Pre-Belafonte, “Scary” had just been put through a workout when she tried (with very limited success) to take Eddie Murphy to the cleaners–after “accidentally” becoming pregnant with his child. Remember?
Her image (and bank acount) has undergone a vast upgrade since then, but like it or not, she CHOSE Belafonte, recognizing a kindred spirit, of sorts.
Thanks to high-placed friends, i.e. Cowell, she’s trying to get in front of any bad news revelations, of which, potentially, there are MANY.
What she isn’t: a victim. Never has been; not today, not ever.
The old saw about “lying down with dogs” applies here, but the hard truth is, Mel brought plenty of fleas of her very own to THAT party.
everyone one warned her about him.
india moon
this is all just SO skeevy and twisted…. i believe mel about the abuse. it is a terrifying position to be put in and it is indescribably difficult to extricate yourself from……. but she was with him ten years?