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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

First, the mother of Eddie’s baby girl Angel, was photographed flaunting her new but questionable boyfriend who calls himself Stephen Belafonte.
Message “I’m moving on.”
Later, Eddie’s baby-mama Mel was photographed deep in conversation with uberlawyer Gloria Allred.
Message: “I’m mad and I’m not gonna take it any more!”
Eddie responded by getting engaged to his girlfriend Tracey Edmonds.
Apparently the engagement didn’t set will with Scary Spice so she set up the hottest photo of all. Here she has been photographed with Eddie’s exwife Nicole – they had a chatty lunch at The Ivy and introduced their children to each other VERY publicly.
Message: “We had fun talking about you, Eddie!”
Your move, Eddie.

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  1. Robbie

    The Spice Girls will receive

  2. Anonymous

    Who is more pathetic. Eddie for being a manwhore, producing kids out of wedlock and probably being a bad dad or these pathetic women who fall for and get pregnant for a guy who they know is a scumbag. Or is it just about $$$ to them?

  3. Anonymous

    I think Janet has it pegged!

  4. Anonymous

    Look at the pic. That left boob makes a nice armrest.

  5. Anonymous

    Better to spend his money supporting children than hiring transvestites at 4:00 a.m.

  6. Monica

    I made a bet with onlooking friends that this entry couldn’t go without some flagrantly racist comment being posted.
    To my pals reading this — hey guys, looks like you’ve made me $50 richer!

  7. george jetson

    This is why you have all the unwanted black children in the world…..trash parents and even bigger fools who pay to watch them…doubt she or he can count to twenty.

  8. Anonymous

    Have no opinion on either one of them but after five kids, he should know how it works.

  9. Anonymous

    All these people involved with idiot Murphy are retarded, arrogant and losers.

  10. Anonymous

    He could have worn a condom, or since he already has 5 kids, got snipped if he didn’t want anymore.
    My heart is just bleeding for him (rolling eyes).

  11. Anonymous

    More like she is USING her baby for sympathy, publicity, and money.

  12. Anonymous

    I can’t believe such a fugly man produced such adorable children.

  13. Anonymous

    who are these people anyways