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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


After several years of being blackballed in Hollywood, professional Christian Mel Gibson, 60, has a lot to be thankful for. His comeback film Hacksaw Ridge has been well received, and his 25 year old girlfriend Rosalind Ross is expecting his 9th child. To top it off, Donald Trump was elected president! Mel was smart NOT to get into any political discussions before the election because he’s walking on eggshells already…. (We HATE the beard!)

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Daggers

    This is beyond belief, even for Mel. Wow, 35 years difference, she’s almost young enough to be his grandchild. Which just goes to prove that most of GollyWeird is F-d up big time.

  2. Diva

    He is such a creep

  3. noblecascade

    the movie was pretty good.

  4. Sally Werhmacht

    Mel has Jesus and a fat wallet

  5. captain america

    one of the seven dwarfs & Snowhite?

  6. DianeM

    Saw the movie, and it’s great! Hope Mel gets an Oscar for directing. Wish he’d get rid of the beard, as it ages him. Is it for a movie role?