Photo Credit: Splash News

Melanie “Scary Spice” Brown is showing off a lot of her assets in “Peep Show”,” a burlesque review currently running at the Planet Hollywood Hotel in Las Vegas. Presumably, while Mel is hard at work, her husband Stephen “Belafonte” will be watching Mel’s kids – or at the very least, watching the nanny who’s watching the kids.

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  1. Why do “performers” feel their best asset is a costume that show most of their stuff? Duh – I guess a lack of talent and lack of security will make one do stupid things….
    Look at Madonna today – she can’t adopt enough orphans to make her happy. It’s disgusting.
    Talent used to go a LONG way. Today, you don’t need talent – just the willingness to look and act like a whore. And when the looks fade – I guess you can adopt the population of a third world country.

  2. Mel C. needs to be thankful to you Janet, cause that photo made me interested, now I will go see the show next time Im in Las Vegas

  3. 6:13 pm You are some nutcase. And you prove it by prostelyzing on a celebrity gossip website.

  4. Unless the post is remotely about a politician, this site needs to start deleting all political and religious propoganda — it’s gotten out of hand and you don’t see this kind of commentary on other web blogs. As the moderator of this site, you need to delete all comments that are not related to the subject at hand. Freedom of speech is great, but the topic at hand is what people come for (even though it’s ridiculous celebrity gossip).

  5. Just this alone: “Porn by Mel B” is another sign of the end times, so thanks to Janet for giving us another sign of how depraved the world has become, bringing about the 2nd coming.

  6. Nice going, Mel B. You’re just one step away from full-blown porn stardom. With your not-so-secret sexploits, should be an easy enough transition!

  7. This ‘Woman’ had sex with Eddie Murphy. Don’t be fooled America, vote with your wallet. Who would pay to see this rubbish in a recession/depression?

  8. Be nice – I find the delusional rantings of the Anti-Obama nutcase much more amusing than MelB. Come on people, it’s just another crazy person screaming at the sun. We keep ours in the basement. Desperate Mel’s sadly reached her zenith of relevance, treading water in Lost Vegas, topless, feckless and fading away, yawn. The difference between her skill set and the other Vegas ladies, is measured in inches.

  9. CAN WE MEET THIS WOMAN TO EAT A CRACKER………………or something?

  10. 6:21 PM, 6:49 PM….I read something last night on Janet’s site about Obama being the anti-christ and this morn, I see it is removed. I remember I read something like this on the internet, and sure enough, on many websites written by religious experts, many think he is. I wish I had re-read what was on here last night, because I didnot read it carefully. Oh well, the web has tons of info on the president being anti-christ. I entered “obama – anti-christ”. Wow.

  11. Mel B is really the ‘Scary’ Spice. I think a lot of men are afraid of her, because she most likely demands a lot in the old sack and if they don’t meet her expectations, she will bruise them/it.

  12. If anyone wonders why American women are harassed, raped, kidnapped, murdered when we go abroad…

  13. I think she has completely lost her mind. This is vulgar even almost for Vegas.

  14. Wow, she looks great but um, this has to be an all time low. Talk about a career nose dive! And she’s a mother? I give her two more years and it’s clear heels and a stripper pole at crazy girls. Sad, very sad.
    She has to be on drugs. I could see if she was broke and had to survive but she should still have spice money unless that dead beat husbands blowing through it all…and i mean literally BLOWing through it.

  15. She is definitely on some kind of uh, substance. She was on ‘Extra’ with Mario StudPuppy Lopez. She was so giddy and gushing and talking non-stop, it was easy to see that the girl is revved up and definitely needs help. Maybe Eddie M (ha ha) will step in and see that she gets drug rehab. (she makes Cher look like a nun).

  16. 6.58 Mel B is NOT the sign of “the end times” !!! Please, the devil is not that banal! Give the guy more credit.
    And put the anti Obama ravings back up – I missed it and am intrigued and need a good laugh…

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