Mark your calendar, Meghan Markle is throwing a star-studded 4th birthday party for her son Archie and it just HAPPENS to fall on the same day as her father-in-law, King Charles’ coronation. According to a Montecito, California insider, Meghan’s hoping to pull more star power than the King, and she’s inviting half of Hollywood and a ton of movers and shakers to her son’s party. The insider explains that this won’t be a typical kids party with pin the tail on the donkey. It will be a fancy catered celebration with the exclusive photos possibly sold to the highest bidder to raise money for the foundation Meg and Prince Harry front. Guests have been told to SAVE THE DATE and DRESS TO IMPRESS.
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
What happened to this huge party? You can be sure that if it happened, she would have broadcast pictures of the so called celebs all over the place. Probably never happened. She is such a lying bitch
Hollywood here I come!
Janet, why do you promote Meghan Markle? Are you bought and paid for? I don’t want to see her or and don’t understand why you even give her viewing space on your platform.
She wants Hollywood to woe her.
Good for her!
She hates the Royal Family, yet insisted her children have Prince and Princess titles. What are they going to think when they are older and see that they weren’t at that historic event for their Grandfather? She is unreal! I don’t think she was ever invited to the coronation. I’m sure she’ll come up with something to try to overshadow the coronation. So predictable. Cant’s stand not getting her way or being in the spotlight. UGH!
The only people who MIGHT show up are Ellen and Portia. Markle is poison ivy with a big side helping of venomous snake bite.
Come on, she’s working her way into Hollywood! Duh.
Why would she do that without Harry’s presence? In addition to her usual trying to get the spotlight off the English royals (like announcing her pregnancy during Eugenia’s wedding), it seems like she wants to spotlight herself without Harry.
And, can you imagine having her in your family, at least until she ghosts you, like she did to her poor Dad. She is just Awful!
This loser would sell her soul to the devil if she could make some money from it. How awful to have a party on the same day as the coronation. However, Harry is still trying to suck back in with the royals, a family he is not even associated with. Check his DNA next to Prince Charles immediately and banish the low life.!
hope no one shows up, this woman is a bitch
A sickening narcissistic woman
This woman is too pretentious…. birthdays are annually and a King’s coronation is historic. Any celebs going to this event is a sheep….