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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Meghan Markle paid attention when some of her mother-in-law, Princess Diana’s, wardrobe sold for millions at auction. According to a friend, Meghan feels some of the items she’s worn over the years to special occasions might someday also be worth a fortune. Therefore she’s carefully labeling and storing her clothes in a climate controlled facility for her heirs to sell in the future! From the dress she wore on her record breaking interview with Oprah Winfrey, to the mourning outfit she donned for the Queen’s funeral, fashionista Meghan feels she could be sitting on a king’s ransom in clothing memorabilia.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA Meghan and Harry in Germany this week

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  1. Josie

    The very picture of mental derangement.

  2. Doc Hollywood

    Lol that dude looks like he is deliberately stepping on her sandal. Hope so!

    I really hate seeing these two losers. The fame train she is on will eventually stop. Maybe end in divorce let’s hope.

  3. Wilson

    Yes, never an original idea from these two. Likely not enough brain power. And yes, her feet and toes are yuck!

  4. emmy

    she has never looked good in anything, especially with those matchstick legs. A burka might be a good look for her

  5. Ari

    Wow her legs and feet look horrid. Jessica Mulroney must have her on a starvation diet. The old binge and purge.

  6. pippa martin st onge

    Her priorities are to monetize Harry and then craft a quick divorce to get at the cash. She is fully aware Harry is stale dated and has no Windsor blood.

  7. Beth

    MM is beyond delusional

  8. Gary

    Janet, we need to see the next photo after the one you printed. Hopefully the guy behind her stepped down on the back of her sandal as the sole of her foot was up and she fell flat on her ugly face. Let’s face it, she is very, very far from being a fashionista.

  9. Jane

    Janet can you find out from your source if she buys her clothes or gets them for free. Thx