It’s obvious that for some reason, Meghan Markle brings out the WORST in some questionable people. We have always supported her and insisted that Harry is the lucky one in that relationship. We have been bombarded with creepy commenters saying awful and untruthful nonsense about her and insulting us just for liking her! When she and Harry moved to California, even Canadians said horrible things about her for no apparent reason. Why? All this started with the UK tabloids creating negative stories about her and gullible readers believing them. Did they malign her simply because she is an American actress? MEGHAN HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG! Stop the insanity!
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Monday, April 20, 2020
Otis the Hairball
Where do I start?
After spending everyone else’s money on clothing, a wedding and redecorating, Meghan couldn’t wait to grind her heel into the Queen’s face on her way out – but suddenly she’s the victim? Janet, please consider finding a new therapist.
Get a clue Janet
per the daily mail….
MM and H are writing a tell all allegedly trashing the royals. WOW. how can you defend a person like this Janet? The royals did nothing to MM but pay for her wedding, give her diamon tiaras, her clothes, her homes, her security and just asked her to do a few duties a month. Awful. She’s so put upon. There’s an old saying Janet, if everyone has a problem with you then it’s YOU that’s the problem.
The 411
Janet, people don’t like her because she is a shit stirrer with no loyalty. The Queen bent over backwards to help her and so did Kate and she flipped them both off for no reason. She also likes to wallow in self pity. Not attractive. The world is dealing with a Pandemic and all she cares about is how she is portrayed in the press.
Johnny Sherbert
Now that Markle is gone from the UK, the british can get back to hating Lewis Hamilton and Victoria Beckham.
Wow, Janet, I finally lost respect for you. You are clearly on their payroll. Bye!
British royals have no business marrying American actresses.
A dead end street. Fantasyland is not reality.
I don’t care one way or the other for her. But, I admire the way you are sticking to your belief and standing up for her. The way press and publicity can focus so negatively on a person and create an army of haters is terrifying. Too many people are finding their joy in hate and anger these days. 🙁
Flavior Briatore
Harry isn’t even a Windsor. That is why he decided to flee his life of shame.
People don’t like them because they are hypocrites. They are rich, spoiled, privileged whiners.
Also, unlike Princess Diana, who was FIRST to champion causes such as land mines and AIDS research, neither Harry or Meghan are doing anything unique.
Finally, neither one of them have any expertise to lecture others on any issue.
Hope that answers your question, Janet. There is little to actually like about them.
Jack Preston
You could have ended with:
Janet, surely you must know it’s because a woman of color married into the royal family. For those of you who don’t know history google how Charlotte NC got it’s name.
Sixth answer
Good for you, Janet. These people are dumb and jealous. You should do some serious housecleaning with the jerks who write comments.
she is nothing but a d list actress and always will be
How much did Harry’s wench pay you for this puff piece?
Everyone can’t be wrong. Once again Janet, you have shown deplorable taste in people.
She is a talentless hack with a grandiose view of herself. She is a whining shrew who COMPLETELY disrespected the Queen of England.
And you admire this elitest fraud? Figures.
Markle is a fraud and this is common knowledge. Sooner or later the truth will out and I don’t care if my comment gets deleted or censored. If so, it is very clear that free speech is just an illusion.
Ruebens Bareichelo
They have opinions other than yours. Are you losing your journalistic credo?
Mix Busybody
I agree. However, the fact that the Royal Family didn’t make an obvious show of support for them last month added fuel to the tabloid fire. They could have put the biased stories to rest and didn’t . Also the fact of an obvious rift between the two brothers.