Brian Austin Green plays a hunky handyman on “Desperate Housewives” this season and Vanessa Williams’ and Marcia Cross’s characters are both eager for his services. Meanwhile, Brian’s newlywed wife Megan Fox has been dying to work with her husband, so writers created a cameo appearance for her on an upcoming episode. Megan is bound to stir up a little publicity for the show.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Indy, yes, she has had a tweek done here and there every now and then. So far she has avoided looking freakish, but how long will it last?
Did the Sly Fox get her lips plumped?
Bruce Jenner messed up his face a long time ago, so you would think other men would have learned from him. Instead it is getting worse and worse. Check out, which often exposes male celeb plastic surgery mistakes, and discusses the growing trend of the feminization of the male face – brow and eye lifts, shaving down of the nose, lip work, etc.
Sebastian: Ain’t it the truth. And imho the worst hatchet job of all is Bruce Jenner. He should sue, because he now looks like his name could be Sue, with a little makeup.
Who watches this dreck?
Indy, a number of sitcoms I have seen have had running jokes about male celebs of a certain age having their eyes done and ending up looking like lesbians. The same effect happens when guys have their eyebrows over waxed. The eye area is a big gender cue on men, as is the nose. With a few exceptions men should leave those areas alone.
P.S.: That whining voice of the frumpy hausfrau Felicity Huffman (lynette Scavo) sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard.
Sebastian: U R right on. Bad surgery making him look what you said. Maybe he’s trying to keep up with much younger wifey, who I predict will soon find him old and dull.
As to the D.H. new season, where did these writers come from. The story (stories) is incredibly stupid and I predict it will soon gasp its last breath. I loved Nicollette and I hope she laughs and laughs at its demise.
Inquiring Mind
Well…since Jesse Metcalf had to fuck Marc Cherry in order to land his gig as the “Handyman,” what did BAG have to do, hmmm?
Or is Cherry a little gun-shy after his litigious run-in with Nicolette? What a professional LOL.
Oh, and at least this post confirms that (Shock!) Desperate Housefraus is still on the air (albeit hanging on by its Lee Press-On Nails).
Brian has gotten his eyes done, and it makes him look gay.
They just want to work together to keep an eye on each other….falling in love or having a quickie fling with your co-stars and all that you know. Happens many times.
Those two should make a baby…hehe
After being publicly fired from the Transformers franchise, can Fox really be desperate enough to think that a cameo on Desperate Housewives is a career boost?
That show has been on life support since Laura Bush claimed to be fan—in what, 2005!!?
Nice spin! 🙂
captain america
a public warning: DO NOT TRUST THIS WOMAN…….nor oprah winfrey!!!
Love. love, love her!!!!!!!!!!!