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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Photo Credit: Splash News

Take a look at the possible future of McDonald’s. Not bad, eh? It just goes to prove that NOTHING has to be ugly. The fast-food icon just opened an experimental “Black Label” McDonalds in New York’s Chelsea neighborhood. It features mid-century modern Danish decor, free Wi-Fi, flat screen TV’s, (we can live without THAT) – but we LOVE the functional modern bathrooms. It’s the first example of this new urban design in the US, and McDonalds is carefully monitoring customer reaction. The food, however, remains the same.

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  1. cleo

    Ick. If you want to support further environmental damage and animal cruelty,, then by all means, Janet,, support McDs. Way to go, corporate America.

  2. Tinchy

    I live in Europe,and here they have been around for a couple years.It’s called McDonalds Cafe but food is still the same.

  3. mom to five

    Still doesn’t make the food taste good!

  4. Etienne

    They can dress it up any way they want to but the bottom line is, the food is still crappy and full of fat, sodium, and empty carbs.

  5. mon

    EEEerrrrmmm that’s been around England for the last 4 years!

  6. captain america

    ………….marty mcFly was there?

  7. Bettye Bluejay

    You should get a load of the McDonalds in Black River Falls, WI. Totally designed by UW-Stout design students. Cool.

  8. FatFrau

    Looks a bit like the decor in your house, Janet!

  9. Red Rooster

    I live in Chelsea and it’s a blight like all their other branches, and Chipotles that are opening up on every block. What is wrong with Americans and this desire for sameness. I moved to NY to get away from this mediocrity and now I have to walk by this crap every day now.

  10. Nursie

    I do not go to McDonald’s due to their irresponsible and prejudicial corporate practices.